Rain Clouds and Confessions

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"Hermione?" I heard Draco ask timidly. "Hmm.." I was finishing up his paper work to start the treatment. "Do you ever get.. my kind.. you know apart from Zabini..?" I looked up at him he wasn't looking at me, I could tell he was nervous and it was understandable, he was a known death eater not to mention a sworn enemy to the Golden Trio. I just sighed, "Look Malfoy, I can't discuss who I see, but I can assure you you're not the first nor will you be the last person I will see. You don't need to be shy or feel uncomfortable. I am your therapist not your enemy. I will not say a word to anyone about what happens in this room, unless you threaten to harm someone or yourself, then I will have to alert the Aurors." 

He seemed to relax his posture but his eyes never left the floor. Instead it seemed he was contemplating something rather complex. "What exactly will happen to me if I do display any type of self harm or harm towards others?" he shifted slightly barley meeting my gaze. I sighed softly and sat back. "Well, if you intend to harm anyone you will be held in a cell inside the ministry. Until someone can decide that you are or are not a threat they will either release you or transfer you to a permanent cell in the ministry or Azkaban." I paused and saw him shudder, making a mental note to ask him about that later. 

"If you intend to harm yourself then we will have you interned at Saint Mungo's for your own good. You will be under strict surveillance for 72 hours and held in a non-maj room. Just like they do out in the muggle world. In other words Mr. Malfoy, your best option is to not try either for your own sanity." Draco looked up and sighed, "Well I guess you don't have to worry about any of that, I don't intend to go back to Azkaban. Bullocks to being locked up for being a nut job." 

I looked at him not able to hide the confusing on my face. A ghost of a smile on his plump lips.  "Gobsmacked are you Hermione, that you never knew I was held in Azkaban? Well that was because everyone was hurt and trying to continue their lives. No one cared about what happened to the Death Eaters, or the ones who were forced to help Him. Of course they are in the complete right to not want to know." He laid back into the chair and looked up at what looked like the ceiling but clearly he was far far away in a distant memory.

"I was held in the non-maj ward next to the Murderers ward. For about 6 months, I would hear the suffocated screams of many who were unfortunate to suffer the Dementors Kiss. Looking back, never knew how terrifying they truly were and I felt bad for tormenting Potter back in school. The days were bitter and felt like an eternity but nothing could compare to having your Dark Mark constantly be burning when coming into contact with the shackles they put on you. Sometimes, I feel as if I'm still there and I've just lost my mind." Hermione stared at him not saying anything for sometime. Her heart felt heavy, she felt sorry for him on a new level. Reaching over to touch his knee she brought him back from the memory. 

"Draco, you honestly couldn't be more far away from that place. I am sorry you had to go through that. Thank you, for sharing that bit of information with me. I really had no idea you went through that." Slowly she hesitantly smiled apologetically. Draco hadn't realized how close she had gotten. "I'm not sorry, and I'm not looking for pity, who would be I'm just.." as he trailed off Hermione just stared back into his beautiful livid eyes, and thought about the first time she saw him. 

'She was on her way to the boats in first year when she felt someone watching her. Turning she found the most wonderful pair of eyes looking back at her plain brown ones, she couldn't decide what color they were. She thought they resembled rain clouds on a gloomy day, but she thought she could see light blue flecks inside them. The more she stared back at them the more beautiful they got, she felt like she couldn't move. The boy looked her over and she did the same, angle blonde hair slicked back neatly. He was taller than her she could tell, he wore the most luxurious robes. At the time she thought they must have felt like the fuzz on baby chicks. He looks like a prince.

When she looked back into his eyes she saw him smile and felt her heart skip a beat. Her cheeks felt hot and somehow she felt herself move and like that the moment dissipated. 5 seconds felt like an eternity but that was what it was, seconds. Later that same evening those same wonderful eyes fell upon her plain chocolate ones. This time they were filled with contempt and disdain, not with sheer wonder or mild curiousness, this time they weren't as beautiful they were filled with venom...'

Hermione looked back at her note pad. Draco could tell she was trying to clear her mind, he wondered if she felt weird about the situation, or maybe she was regretting even letting him breathe the same air as her. He cleared his throat and spoke. "Thank you, for seeing me, and letting me be a part of your practice. I know I was a right fowl git to you during our years in Hogwarts but, I want you to know I have changed. I want to start over, reinvent myself and my name. I would very much like to not feel this way any longer if possible. To be able to sleep a full night without having nightmares, I want to have a normal life. Can you make that happen? Money is not a problem." She looked shocked her mouth was open slightly. 

'The things I would do to that mou-NO STOP IT DRACO! He looked at the clock and noticed it was getting late, he looked at Hermione and smirked. "Well it seems we have been in here for about 3 hours now. I think that is enough for today, please consider what I told you. I will take my leave now. I look forward to seeing you again." He stood and she did the same, he took a step and she took one towards him. He froze. "Mr. Malfoy, I would like to see you daily. Is that.. okay?" She looked nervous, disbelief was written on her face, "Yes. Hermione, I would love to see you everyday." 

As soon as the words left his mouth they were both taken aback. He was a Malfoy for fucks sake, he should not want to see her. She was a Weasley now, but he did and he was tired of pretending he didn't. "Perfect, I'll wait for you tomorrow and maybe we can begin with your treatment. I hope you have a wonderful day, Mr. Mal- Draco." Her lips were tingling and she didn't know why. Draco just looked awkwardly at her and for a moment he looked like the little boy she had seen all those years ago, back when they didn't know who they were. He motioned for her to move and she blushed moving aside and he walked right out her door.

 Heart pounding, Draco walked right past Lavender and out the door into the corridor and felt the wave of fresh air hit him, "Bloody hell.."    

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