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That evening Hermione got home and made Sabrina her favorite meal, spaghetti and chicken. They sat down to eat the dinner together, but Hermione's mind was far away lost in thought. "Mother, that was delicious, aren't you got going to eat anymore?" She heard her daughter ask, Hermione just nodded and smiled at her daughter. Picking up her fork once more she pushed around her spaghetti noodles from one side of the plate to the other before she spoke. "Sabrina?" She looked up questioningly her face full of sauce. "How long has Draco been reading to you?" Hermione carefully asked not wanting to alarm her daughter. Trying to keep everything nonchalant she continued to eat her food. "Why?" Sabrina asked thinking. "I just want to know how long Draco has been reading to you. It is nothing bad and you're not in trouble, I just want to know who your friends are." Sabrina nodded and continued to think.

Hermione served herself a bit more noodles and heard her daughter hum in thought. She felt her mind wander to him. His carefully guarded eyes looked like they were soft when he looked at Sabrina. She felt herself sigh and smile faintly. "I think Draco has been reading to me since daddy stopped coming home." Hermione almost choked on her chicken. Eyes wide she looked up at her daughter, "What did you just say?" She practically whispered. "D-did I say something wrong?" Sabrina lowered her hands and looked at her lap as she stammered the question. It took a while for Hermione to ask the next question, "Baby, how do you know that daddy doesn't come home?" She hated asking her that but she needed to know.

Sabrina shrugged her smile completely gone now. She didn't want to look up as she answered. "I just know." Hermione felt her heart rip right down the middle and consume itself. "You look sad when he isn't here, but I think you are more sad when he is here." She said it so softly Hermione's heart just broke. The room was eerily quiet, their breaths were the only noise that was heard. Hermione let that statement sink in, how was it that she could sense all that? Her daughter was smart for her age that was for sure, but she believed that she shielded her as best as she could from all the unhappiness she was living. "Sabrina, are you happy?" She asked her daughter quietly and carefully, honestly not wanting to hear the answer for fear that she would not like it. "Are you?" Was all Sabrina answered.

Hermione stayed quiet. The question hung in the gloomy air starting to spread from corner to corner of the room. "Mother?" Sabrina looked at her mom and saw that Hermione was stunned, "I'm sorry, I made you mad." Hermione looked at her daughter and smiled sweetly, "No my love, you could never do anything to make me mad. I love you for who you are and the questions you ask." She paused making sure to take a breath before continuing.

"The answer to your question earlier is, yes. I am happy with you. I feel the most happiest when I am with you, when I see you smile, laugh and play. I am elated when you give me hugs and kisses." She smiled down at her daughter. Sabrina smiled softly and looked at her mother, somehow Hermione knew that her daughter knew all the things she said was to ease her thoughts but also knew the truth. That she wasn't happy with her partner and that upset Hermione more than anything.

She never wanted Sabrina to know the problems she faced with Ron. "Let's continue to eat shall we?" Sabrina nodded and they kept on eating while sometimes looking up and smiling at each other. After that Hermione took Sabrina a bath, changed her into pajamas, and tucked her into bed. "Mommy?" Hermione hummed back. "Draco looks sad sometimes too." Hermione looked at the wall across from her, Sabrina's head was in the crook of her arm and she was playing with her hair. "I think he is lonely. He smiles and laughs with me, but sometimes when he thinks I'm not looking he frowns and his face changes." Hermione felt her heart hurt once again. "Can you help him mommy?" Hermione looked down at her daughter and asked, "Me? Why do you think I can help him?"

Sabrina looked up at her mother and said, "Grandma Molly said, when two people are sad, they can help each other and make each other feel happy again. She said that's why she feels happy because when grandpa and grandma are sad they look at each other and they are happy again." Hermione smiled and nodded. "You want me to help Draco and make him happy?" Sabrina nodded, "Maybe he can make you happy too." She said quietly as she yawned. "I think we should go to sleep now baby. You have a long day tomorrow with your grandma Molly and I have to go to work early." Hermione kissed her daughters head and smiled at her sleepy eyes. "Good night mother, I love you." Hermione nodded, "I love you too Sabrina, good night."

She got up and walked out the door slowly closing it placing a dream incantation over her room to ensure she has good dreams. Hermione walked to her room and shut the door, she slowly took in a breath she felt she needed. She felt tears start to come out, and she covered her mouth. How could you let her see all this. Why, can't you just take her and run, far away from here? Leave it all and blow it away. Tears kept spilling and she thought over the conversation she just had. Molly needs to stop spilling this information on Sabrina. She's only three for Merlin's sake. She is very smart and obviously very, very intuitive but she's still a child. Hermione just gripped her chest and silently cried for a few more moments.

Stop! You are better than this, you don't need to cry. You put yourself in this situation, Sabrina will be fine, you need to find a way out. She walked over to her desk and wiped off her now runny makeup. As she did this she thought about the day. She thought about the book store, and how she saw him with Sabrina, she saw how he was crouched down in a what looked like an uncomfortable position just so she could see the pictures as he read to her. She remembered how happy Sabrina looked near him, and how sweet he looked. Then she remembered the way his chest felt, the warmth that radiated from him. His eyes, those blue grey eyes that felt like they melted into her soul.

Shutting hers and imagining those eyes roaming her face, savoring her features, she felt those eyes roam her neck, and her body. She shuttered and slowly felt her hands roam her neck slowly moving their way down her chest. Her hand become masculine, and warm. Feeling hot breath on the back of her neck she willed her eyes to open and saw beautiful blue grey eyes looking back at her in the mirror.

Although she was slightly startled she stayed in place. Looking at the way his hands roamed her breasts, she felt pleasure spread through her. His hands traveled down to the hem of her shirt and slowly, tickling her skin they disappeared beneath the thin fabric. Feeling her body with his bare hands, they felt warm and strong. His eyes never wavered from hers, as his mouth was on her neck.

Hermione moaned quietly. "Draco.." She whispered. She felt him bite her smooth flesh not hard enough to inflict pain but just enough to turn her on further. He licked and teased her moving further down her neck as he reached her left shoulder where he nibbled. She moaned more her left hand burying itself in his smooth silk like blonde hair as her right hand drew circles on her thigh.

He gripped her breast over her bra and she closed her eyes. She pushed his head, slowly alerting him so she could get up and turned to face him. He was taller than her and she liked the height advantage. Pressing her hand to his chest pushing him towards her bed, forcing him to sit down. He placed his strong hands on her hips as she pulled her shirt off and tugged the hem of his.

Draco's shirt was off in a second. He laid himself back watching as she sat herself on top of him and she felt his stiff member over her wet core. She moaned as she moved her hips and he felt him twitch. She was flipped and he was on top of her now sucking in a breath when she felt him push his member closer to make her feel it more prominently through their jeans. She gripped his shoulders looking at his beautiful face and spread her legs to wrap them around his body.

He continued to push and nudge at her. She felt herself start to build up, as he humped and rubbed himself over her cunt, she felt herself moan louder. The last thing she felt was his lips pressing to hers and with that she was undone. Panting and feeling like she was dripping wet Hermione opened her eyes to realize that she was alone in her room. Breathing hard and looked down noticing that her hand was in her pants. Reality hit her.

She had just fantasized Draco Malfoy touching and basically dry humping her and she came while imagining him on top of her. The most brutal part of that realization was that she had enjoyed every second of it.

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