Lions Den part 2

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It had been about an hour since I came through the door, Draco hasn't taken his eyes off me and it was starting to feel as if everyone couldn't stop staring at both of us. "Mrs. Weasely, how is it that a Griffindor Golden Girl like yourself, involves herself with Death Eaters?" Narcissa commented with a peculiar smirk. I cleared my throat and smiled as politely as I could. "Well Mrs. Malfoy--" I stopped abruptly when she raised her hand. "Call me Narcissa dear. I don't very much care for the Mrs. part anymore than you did when my son called you a Mudblood." 

I gawked at her openly, earning snickers from the rest. "Um, okay. Narcissa, I don't really see anyone as their faults. You see, Luna and I were friends while in Hogwarts, she was in a relationship with one of my good friends before she became involved with Blaise. Things changed in the course of a few years. We all took unexpected turns, and got involved in matters that should have not been put upon us. I guess what I'm trying to say is well." I stumbled over my words uncomfortably. "The war affected us all greatly, some more than others." I stared at Draco and Blaise before continuing.

"And honestly, I just don't feel as if we needed to be apart any longer. I decided we all needed to let go of the past and learn from it. I also know that since we all are trying to heal, it was prudent to open up my business and allow said people to heal. I am a qualified therapist, I listen to people in desperate need of healing and though I'm not a healer--nor do I wish to be--I like to think that I heal the soul." Pausing to look at Narcissa up and down, I smiled and continued. "You seem to be in use of my practice. I'm sure we can schedule you in anytime. Anyhow, I actually became fond of Mr. Zabini over our conversations and now realize we are no different than say, you and I. Something which you have apparently not yet understood."

 She was dumbstruck you could clearly tell. I had not noticed everyone shift in their seats obviously uncomfortable, Draco just stared at me like I had grown 300 ft and had a duckbill for a mouth. Ever so quietly Blasie looked from Draco to me and then Narcissa, he sighed and slumped in his seat. "Did I say something wrong?" I asked a little shyly. Luna looked at everyone before she spoke her voice laced with songlike insight, "Not a all Hermione. Narcissa was just under the impression that you hated them, that's all." Hermione looked away from her friend and turned her attention back to Naricssa puzzled, "Why?" Her brows furrowed she shifted in her seat, "Well, I mean think about it dear, we tortured you. My sister. She did unspeakable things to you. All of you, I don't understand how you could possibly let it all go, I-I-" She stood abruptly and walked out without a glance in anyones direction.

We all sat in silence after she walked off. "Go get her Draco." Blaise stood and walked towards me. "I'm sorry Hermione. We shouldn't have invited you all here at once. It was foolish to think the past could be let go so easily." He touched my shoulder in apology and I saw Draco move to get up without hesitating I stood shrugging Blaise's hand off. "No, I upset her I should be the one to get her. I'm terribly sorry I troubled you all. Please let me-" As I walked closer to the hallway which Narcissa had left through I saw a flash of blonde move towards me. "Stop." Draco's words we like a gust of wind from a winter storm thrown at me. "This isn't about you, Hermione." I couldn't breathe, his face looked hard and haunted, yet beautiful. "Excuse me?" 

He started to walk away getting farther and farther from me until he was gone down that hallway. Blaise looked from me to him and in that moment I moved. "Her-" He was stopped by an observant Luna. "Let her go. It's for the best." He just nodded and sat back down. The long winding hallway felt cold. As I turned another corner I saw who I was looking for, "Draco." He stopped. "I-I.." My voice just wouldn't come out. "Hermione, it's all right really, this has nothing to do with you. I'll get her you can just go back." He sounded tired like he had to do this regularly. 

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