the picture above is Moto Moto and Shrek's child. it's name is dumbass. it likes to eat food and stuff. this boi secretly writes fanfics behind it's parents back.
Dumbass has slightly developed a crush.
It's best friend, Danny DeVito, tells it that they shouldn't be attracted this person
but look how hot they are-
Danny DeVito 2.0 (which happens to be Dumbass' brother) looks at him in dismay:(I also sorta forgot what dismay means)
Dumbass realizes that Danny 2.0 is looks so similar to Their dad Shrek and their best friend Danny DeVito...
Dumbass is sad then realizes that it doesn't matter.
Danny 2.0 says "my name is actually John"
"ok" says dumbass
John and Danny DeVito spot Dumbass' crush
his name is Bobisimo
Dumbass is in love 😍
so they message each other:
Dumbass: HeY
Bobiiiii: hi
D: how are you
B: why
D: oh hey fun fact
B: love that
D: I'm gay
B: chill
*bobiiii is no longer online*
you blew it Dumbass... your such a Dumbass
"new message from Bobiiii"
B: yoo
D: what
B: my phone died
D: that's Lit
then Dumbass' doorbell rang
it was Danny Devito
"I have a confession to make"
says Danny
"What is it?"
says Dumbass
"I'm actually—
A/N lol I left ya on a cliffhanger