True Story BTW 6

44 3 5

~Warning  Sadness~

"Get Outta Mah Swamp"  screeches Shrek (fairly high pitched)





"ew who Tf Is thAht-"  says the random VSCO girl that just popped out of the wall

"my new huSbanD!"  says a deep voice



"you dumped me for a hippo shrek!  ah hippo"

"well yeah because he's hot" -shrek

"can't argue there lol"  says Farquaad

"ana OOp- SkKskKskKsKkssKs" says the vsco girl

"Wow, is everyone BiShrekSual hEre?" says ShitFace

"I guesss so" says Bobisimo (I don't remember how it's spelled)

who was still at the house

"WhY is EverYoine In my RoOom i'm tryIng to WrIte FAAaNFIVTIon" said Dumbass with a voice crack

"Dumbass... your friend JoBo SiZa Doll is... Kinda Hot"

says Bobisimo in a crisp voIce

"wattaA mean"

"I mean I like thicc dudes"


"BUT!!" Shouts JoBo SiZa Doll

"I love you Dumbass..."

everyone in Dumbass' room audibly "aWwW"s including Shrek, Farquaad, Fiona, Moto Moto, Random VSCO Girl, ShitFace, Bobisimo and the Thanos spawn that snapped JohCat away.

   JoBo SiZa Doll leaned in for a kiss and then...

   "H-How can you kiss me!   you know that I love Bobi!"

  "Well Bobi loves Me!"

"... remember...  when we were kids... before you came out as Dummy Thicc Steve.. then JoBo SiZa Doll... everything was fine then... me, you, and my brother Danny 2.0 who actually turned out to be named John or something.  I don't actually remember...  but we would sit in the bushes... and we would stalk Bobi... and everything was fine...  It- Its not that I don't accept you for who you are... it's just that...   I want everything back!  I want Danny back!!    I want to sit in the bushes and watch People and make fake Instagram accounts to prank Ariana Grande fans..."

Dumbass looks up from the floor and into JoBo's eyes

JoBo takes a deep breath

"I know all this stuff that happened was confusing... but I was always upset.. because you would always only pay attention to Bobi..... and I wanted all you're attention...    I don't... want things back they way they were.  I've changed.  WE have changed.  I just want to hug you and kiss you and never let go!

Dumbass and JoBo  both look into each other's eyes.   everyone in the room on the verge of tears.   

"do you think... I can have...  just one kiss?"

~cliffhanger bitchEs~

sO   I almost cried writing this

like holy god

it's a real tear jerker...

ok bYe~

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