"Well uh..." Dumbass doesn't know what to say
JoBo (danny/steve if you were confused) had been his friend forever... they legit grew up together...
Everyone in the room was anxious for Dumbass' answer since the silence was so long...
Dumbass was numb. It couldn't move. this was... too much pressure...
how could he take all this stress right now?
just like 1 hour ago he was casually writing fanfiction.
now his room was crowded with a bunch of people. some he didn't even know.
Who was this Farquaad guy? and who was this Fiona chick? and what the hell is a VSCO girl?
this wasn't supposed to end like this...
nothing was going correct...
-what am I supposed to dO- thought dumbass
Everyone was staring at him
how long has he been contemplating his answer?
joBo started to tear up.
he let go of Dumbass's hands and ran out the door.
"I- WAIT" Screams Dumbass
you've done it again. you've screwed up. except this time you can't fix it...
there's nothing you can do..
upDumbass fell onto his knees. his eyes getting glassy with tears, the room blurring.
all of the faces.. where gone
it just felt like, Dumbass was alone..
just him, and the floor.
in an empty room. alone with every emotion possible
that's all Dumbass could feel..
~skeet skeet JoBo's pov~
it's.. hard to describe. the crushing feeling of heartbreak... the feeling that wells up deep in your stomach and you get a lump in your throat.
all of a sudden... you can't breathe.. or cry.
all you get is that feeling..
I can feel the tears welling up in my eyes but I can't cry..
-why... why ME?-
overwhelming thoughts fill my head and I can't see or think straight...
"I guess.. I guess I would be better off dead..."
SkEeT SkeEt
Sorry this is like, descriptive and sad lmao
UwU goodbye motherfucker~