Chapter 12: A good evening wakeup

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The two love birds continued to sleep while cuddling with each other.

Jonathon soon woke up from his sweet slumber. Hearing his phone go off.
He had a missed call from his mom. Asking did he make it there safe.

He texted back that he did and is spending time with his boo.

After sending the message. Jonathon looks down at his sleepy Sherbert, all snuggled up against him like a cat. He isn't planning on leaving.
So he sends another message to his mom, asking if he can stay for the night.
Moments later, his mom said yes.

Jonathon's POV

I knew she was gonna say yes. Im so happy that Sherbert and I can spend more time together.

It is a dream come true. I know we began dating so quickly. It felt like a fairy tale. I may have found my prince. To soon be my true love.

Middle school is almost over for us, now its hitting high school. We can go to dances, with no shame. We can hold hands and kiss every day when we go to each class.
To be honest, that will be lovely.

(End of POV)

Sherwin began to wake up from his small nap. He stretched his arms out, groaning while doing so.
Jonathon looked down at his little Sherbert.

"Good morning Cutie~" He said sweetly, leaning down to kiss his little red nose.

Sherwin giggles, beginning to blush "hehe its the evening silly"

"I know, but it felt like we slept
Sherwin sat up from his bed. "I should unpack more on my things. Would you like to help out?"
Jonathon nodded. "Id love to help you Sherbert."
Sherwin turns red all of a sudden.

Sherwin POV

Did he just called me Sherbert?!

Oh my god he gave me a new cute nickname!! I should think of a cute nickname for him!

I cant stop blushing! Ugh!!!

So the two lovers began arranging Sherwin's bedroom, making it look more like home. Even though Jonahton's noticing some stuff that Sherwin's interested in.

He sees a collection of Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, even some Sherlock Holmes.

Jonathon is pretty much a fan of these. Especially Harry Potter. 

"Can I marry you?" Asked Jonathon.

"U-uh!!" Sherwin froze with shyness.
"Y-you like Harry Potter?"

"Heck yeah I do, Im team Slytherin~ last year I was Draco Malfoy"

"No way! I didn't recognized you with the blonde hair!"

"Yeah...I wanted to dye it."

"I was a Gryffindor" Sherwin blushed.

Jonathan awwed "well...some of my friends forced me not to read the books anymore, saying its for sissies..." He looked down, holding a gryffindor scarf.

"Im sorry? who says its for sissies? Those muggles don't know what its like to be different." Sherwin tried doing his best british accent.
Jonathon chuckles and wrapped the scarf around Sherwin's neck.
Making the poor tomato blush once again.
"My little Weasley~" Then Jonathon kisses him.
Now this is Sherwin's chance to give him a nickname.

When they pull away from their kiss.

"M-My chosen one" He replied back.

"Oh, so Im Harry?~" Jonathon raised his brows, smirking.


Jonathon giggles and kisses him once again, it made Sherwin lie down on his bed, having Jonathan on top of him.
They continue to kiss.
"Mmm I love you Sherbet"
"I love you too Jonnycake"

//If you don't get the reference, we'll never be friends. Jk lol\\

They went back to their make out session.
Until they hear someone walking into the room.

"Oh! Looks like I walked in a bad time" said a familiar voice to Sherwin. It was dear Charles.
Jonathon pulls away from the kiss. "Hello Charles."

"Oh Hello Jonny, lovely seeing you here" The sweet man smiled.
"Will you be able to stay for dinner? Im making my famous pasta from Italy."
"My mom said its okay, plus I wanna spend more time with my Sherbert" he hugs his boy toy into his arms.

"So romantic, reminded me and my boyfriend how we met. Anyways, Sherwin, your mom needs you downstairs."

"O-oh! Yes of course."

Charles walked out of the room, heading back down to prepare dinner.

"You can come with me if you like sweetie"
The two walked downstairs to help Sherwin's mom with moving things to her bedroom, and some accessories to add in around the house.

//it took a while. I am sorry. I wanted to thank all of you who enjoys my fanfics and other ones. Bless all of your hearts. I love you all!

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