Special Sherwin x Jonathon One Shot

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This is gonna be a Harry Potter Special. There will be a 3 parter.
I can see them as the cutest couple in Hogwarts.
I know its pretty late.
I heard the controversy.
But you know what. Ill always love Harry Potter, no matter what. It makes me happy, and it'll always be in my heart.

The sun rises above the school, the Whooping Willow remains relaxed and no bothered.

A young red head gets up from bed, its his 4th year in Hogwarts of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

He got up from his bed and changed into his uniform.

"Hm, where's my pin?" He told himself, looking for his Hufflepuff pin.
He kneeled to find it on his desk, under the bed, but turns out it was in his pocket the while time.

"Oh thank goodness.." He pinned it on his coat, and heads out of his Requirement room on Hufflepuff.

Going down to the Great Hall.
"Hope they still have waffles."

He enters inside, walking towards the Hufflepuff table, in between the Ravenclaws and the Gryffindors.

Sherwin sat down, grabbing a plate and began to feast on his breakfast.

"Good morning Sherwin!" Said by a girl sitting across from him.

"Oh um, good morning Luci. Say, weren't you suppose to sit by the Gryffindor table?" Sherwin asked her

"Aww its fine, plus I wanna sit by my best friend in the whole world." Luci also grabbed a plate full of food and apple juice.

"That's very sweet of you." Sherwin munches and looks around the place.

"So did you finish your assignment from Professor Flitwork? Im having trouble with the patronus charm."

"Oh I can help you out, it's just you-" He stopped right there when he saw a tall handsome boy entering the cafeteria, walking pass him from behind.

It was non other than Jonathan, 4th year Ravenclaw, same year at Sherwin.

Luci noticed the gazing eyes on Sherwin, she found it pretty cute.

"Aww someone's in love." Luci says out loud.

"No no.. Shh!! He'll hear.." Sherwin covers his face.

"Im just teasing Sherwin, jeez take a chill pill."

Sherwin looks over at Jonathan, talking to his friends from the other houses.

"Did you know he plays seeker in quiddich?" Luci admitted.

Sherwin nods with anonymous, continued to gaze over at him.

"Sherwin, I have an idea!!"

"H-huh? What is?"

"Let's go watch him practice!" Luci answered.

This made the boy turn red "w-what?!"

"Yeah! It'll be fun"

"I-I don't know Luci, do you think it'll be weird?"

Luci shook her head.

"I don't see it weird, plus he is pretty good. Let's go after school."

"Okay Fine" Sherwin accepts it.

Sherwin's POV

Im gonna die, but maybe it won't be too bad.

End of POV

After school Sherwin and Luci walked over to the Quiddich fields, looking around the place.

"Its even bigger than how I imagined." Sherwin commented with amazement.

"I know right! Let's go choose a good spot to watch."

So they went to go sit by the bleachers, getting a good view to watch the Ravenclaw team practice.

"See him anywhere?" Sherwin asked.

"He's down there." Luci answered while holding binoculars.

They see Jonathan with a case with the equipment for the game.
But most importantly is the Golden Snitch.

"Wow...the Golden Snitch..it looks so beautiful." Luci said

"Really?" Sherwin took a turn with the binoculars, but until now he dropped them to the field.

"Oh no!" Sherwin gasped and covers his eyes.

That is when he heard a swooshing sound, its from a broomstick.
When he opened his eyes, he couldn't believe.

"Hey, you drop this?" The young handsome ravenclaw asked, holding the binoculars that he dropped.

"Y-yes.." Sherwin answered and slowly raised his hand up.

Jonathan's POV

Id always thought Hufflepuffs are the second Slytherins, but this one is so darn adorable. And second thought, he'd be another Weasley.

End of POV

He hands back the binoculars and smiles at the red head.

"Madame Hooch has cookies down, maybe you guys can come and grab some." Jonathan suggested.

"We'd love to!" Luci said.

"O-okay. Sure." Sherwin held the binoculars to his chest.

"Great! See you all down there."
Then he flew back down to his team.

"Oh my god..he actually talked to you!!!" Luci fangirled.

Sherwin looks down and his heart thumps each beat.

"Look at your face Sherwin, he likes you!!"

"How would you know?"

"I can see that smirk on his face, he is totally into you!"

"Mmm.." Sherwin covers his face with his scarf.

"Come on Let's go get cookies." Luci walks down out of the bleachers with Sherwin.

Sherwin's POV

Does he like me? Or is that to Luci?
Nyahh!! It was Levioosa. Not Leviosaa!!!
Damn it Ron you screwed up my homework!!

Part 2 would be continued.

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