Chapter 4: Concert pratice

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       After lunch, all that Sherwin had for lunch were from the snack bar.

He heads over to his choir class next. Sherwin has a concert  coming soon  in a few weeks.
He wants to volunteer on singing next, its his moment.
His teacher would always chose the ones that can't sing, however as the appearance of a pop singer.

((not referring to Britney Spears, she good))

Sherwin felt pretty self conscious for what his teacher will think about him singing solo, but what he's forgotten that there will be a guitarist. He doesn't know who'll it be, but he sure hopes their good.

  During class, the students did their regular warm ups on their vocal chords.
In this choir, Sherwin is male soprano, he moved up from a male alto to a male second soprano.

They continue while waiting  for the guitarist to come.

When they arrived, Sherwin gulped that he couldn't believe uis various eyes...

It was Jonathon!

"oh yes, your here Jonathon." He asked the gorgeous dark haired brunette
"yeah, had to pick up my guitar from my house." he answered truthfully.

"alrighty then, now all we need two soloist, any volunteers?"
The teacher looked around the classroom, most of the girls raised their hands like crazy.
Sherwin gulped and slowly raised his arm up. 

The teacher was surprised and smiles "Sherwin! Come on down" He asked with joy, pulling the boy down front and center.
"Yeah Luci my dear"

The black haired girl came down as well, front and center next to Sherwin.

"Yes, it is time for you two to shine!" Sherwin looks down, yes he regretted it, but never seen his teacher this happy.

"T-thank you Sir." The teacher nodded and prepares the microphone for Sherwin
"alright, Jonathon you can practice for a few, while I make an important phone call." The Ginger nodded while the teacher walked out to the phone.

"You sing?" Jonathon asked the redhead.

Sherwin looked over to him, never knew Jonathon was into musicals.

"Y-yeah, play?"

"Heh yeah, my Dio taught me to play when I was in 5th grade" Jonathon answered while setting up his instrument.

"Y-you must be very good" Sherwin leans forward, taking a good look.

"I wouldn't say good, my siblings thought I was the next Justin Bieber"

That made Sherwin giggle.
"That's cute...I-I MEAN...uhh, sweet.." He stuttered.

Jonathon's POV

Oh my a man, don't be a little shy guy, don't flip, but god he is too cute....

"T-thanks" Jonathon said while fixing his tune. "There we go"

The two looked back to each other like in the bathroom.

"Uh, Jonathon?"

"Yes Sherwin?"

"Um..about the bathroom...were you about to um..k-"

As soon he was about to spill the question, the teacher returned.

"Alright places everyone! Sherby and Luci dear, I hoped you all warmed up."

Sherwin nods

The teacher clapped "lets take it to the top!"

Luci started to sing when Jonathon began his Q,

Sherwin started to sing along with her.. When he hits to the chorus, Sherwin ended up looking Jonathon, he blushes when he sees him get into the beat.
Jonathon smiles sweetly while he kept playing, tapping his foot.
Jonathon (POV)
He had such a lovely voice, I think Im falling in love, I know it sounds silly.

yes I'm still reading this book about a boy hiding his sexuality from others. 

I really do like Sherwin, I felt bad seeing him all alone everyday.

Maybe after school, I'm gonna ask him to hang out with me.

Sherwin (POV)
I really need some water, I paused from singing and ran to get my water bottle, gulping down, sometimes singing can get me out of breath.

The teacher clapped of enjoyment.
"That was amazing you three! And Sherwin, still need to work on being on time, but so far excellent."

"Thank you sir" Sherwin smiled and the bell rang.

The girls felt jealous they didn't get close to Jonathon, some were mad at Luci because she is the quiet type.

But hey, quiet kids have a shine to them.

//I'm sorry it was short, I was busy this is getting hard, but don't worry, more updates for In A HeartBeat ^^//

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