The Shipping Me Off Day

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Oh geez. Today is the day. The shipping me off day. I can't believe my own dad would do this! My mum wouldn't be impressed. I would NOT be surprised if she was hating on him right now.

My stupid alarm clock woke me up. All you can hear is an annoying tone trying to wake you up from a wonderful deep sleep. That's what happened to me this morning.

I am currently in the car. "So, does this mean I can have your princess rag doll?" I hear Candice say over my music. "Sorry what?" I pulled out my ear phone. Candice repeated herself. "As if. Your not even going to go in my room! And besides, my princess rag doll is in my suitcase. Snap...crackle...pop!" I wasted 30 seconds of my music... On her asking for my princess rag doll. I don't think so!

We finally got to the posh looking school. Eww. It looks ferrel. A large brick building with not small and not bull-sized windows. Disgusting. I hate it and I haven't even took a step on the property. Who are my roommates going to be? A tall nerd with messy uneven, curly and unwashed hair?! Or a girl that doesn't even get her nose out of a book!

I'm not being a drama queen but this isn't where I belong. Infact this is quite the opposite of homely!

It is the start of the school year. Everyone looks so English in their classy uniforms. Their little perfect ties and blouses. My worst nightmare. Fashion police: If you have a uniform, get a good one! Putrid.

Wow, who's that good looking guy? Standing there with his friends, goofing around. Fashion police: Fab-u-lus hair! He looks fun. And good looking. Wait! What am I even talking about?! I never call a boy good looking!

"So, I guess this is it! Bye sister. See you in 7 months and 3 days!" Did Candice just strut away from me?

Wow, she sure is a show off in front of all these people! Candice is really embarrassing when it comes to her definition of showing off.

"Here comes Ms. Lamshack." My dad said over all the yelling and screeching of the students. What sort of last name is Lamshack (pronounced lam-shack)? I mean it's like a lamb's shack! It's very queer or kooky as mum would probably call it. Wow, I really miss her.

I can tell alot about a person by what they are wearing. I started to look at her shoes. Shiny, black, polished shoes. That usually means they are punctual, I think... Anyway I looked up to her skirt. A black skirt down to her knees, that would probably mean she is very strict. I move up to her black jacket thingie (whatever you call them) and great, I can see what's coming. Ms. Lamshack is a punctual, strict and can be harsh person.

Ms. Lamshack held her hand out to my dad. "Hello, you must be Christopher Maxwell. I'm Eliza Lamshack. I am Canterbury Boarding School's head principal!" Ah, she's freaking me out as the seconds pass. Yes, my dad's name is Chtistopher or Chris for short."Oh and you must be Alison. Alison Maxwell. Wow, you look very innocent." What's that supposed to mean?! am I supposed to be scared or something?!

"Hi Ms. Lamshack." I replied in short. I don't want to be the little principal's pet having a full-on conversation about how life's going when really, life is crap at the moment and has been for the past eight years. "Now, should we take you to your room?" Ms. Lamshack smiled for two seconds then went back to her normal boring face.

I approved and said my goodbye to dad. He seemed sad as I walked away. But hey, it was his decision! At that moment, I thought he was having second thoughts but then my conscience said: no, he wouldn't do that. That isn't him.

These stairs feel like they go on for like...ever! I finally got to my room. Thank god. "This is your room, Alison. Girls, be nice to her. Okay?!" Ms. Maxwell left immediately. Wait, is this like a room full of Mean Girls? Like the movie? Oh god.

You could hear Ms. Maxwell miles away with her shiny, black, polished shoes! Anyway, I peacefully walked in the room and BOOM! They came up to me in a flash. Wow, I think I overestimated them! They seem really nice! "Hi, my name is Riley." "Hey, my name is Lillian." "Hi there, my name is Louise but you can just call me Lou." "Heyyyy! My name is Kaycee!"

Wow! I could get used to this. Maybe. I still hate the place. "Hey Riley. Hi Lillian. Hello Lou. Hey Kaycee!" "What have you done to make it in this nerdy place?" Lou asked me while laughing. "Well, let's just say, I wagged a few times." I replied in disappointment but I felt really rebellious at that moment and I have no idea why! "What about you guys?"

Kaycee apparently tagged the town's walls. Lou went to a festival that she wasn't supposed to go to. Riley had a boyfriend and apparently she wasn't supposed to. Lillian had a party while her parents were away. So yeah, that's them! I was really shocked though. They all look so... good.

The girls and I missed the first two periods. No, we weren't wagging, they were just showing me around. The cafeteria is like 5 planet Earths! That's how big it is! I hope they have good food...if not, I'm going to freak! I am allergic to honey and peanuts. Okay, that sounded a bit weird but anyway!

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