Getting Ready

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It's been two weeks since dad said I'm going to Boarding School. I'm starting in three days. Talk about nervous! I'm not very happy with dad's decision, I mean, who would be?

I'm leaving my friend behind -Tegan, which really sucks. We've known eachother since Year 3.

We're going to my Aunty's baby shower today and I have to get ready otherwise dad will go bonkers.

What should I wear? My floral dress and white converse high-tops. Perfect for today. I walk into the bathroom (to brush my teeth) and see Candice wearing a similar floral dress and her blue converse.

"Are you serious Candice?! I told you not to wear the same thing as me!" I was ogling her in seriousness. "I don't really care." "Well maybe I do!"

I sort of wish I was at boarding school already! To get away from my horrible sister, I'd do anything!

It was time that we left. What the heck! Dad is doing 40km in a 60km zone. "Uh, you could go a little faster..." Dad didn't answer me, he obviously had a lot on his mind.


So, I'm starting to get a bit anxious. The baby shower was average, a little blasé considering I did nothing but stare into the sky.

Packing time for boarding school. Fun! Not. Their uniform is horrid. I suppose the only thing good is my leather converse! Okay, I have to finish packing otherwise dad will go (once again) bonkers.

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