The Social!

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So, today I had school which was depressing as always. It could've been worse, I guess.

I have made a new friend named Emilee. She only started today and of course everyone had to make her feel welcome except for Kaycee. Who would've ever known?! Kaycee can't even make someone feel good let alone welcome someone. Anyway, Emilee seems very friendly! We met in P.E which we had first.

Lou, unfortunately, couldn't come to school today because she was simply sick. I thought I'd be a loner but I have Emilee!

Oh cheese and crackers!


In the outside world (yes, outside) I wouldn't really get into these cheesy events. Ballroom dancing, the cha cha, the nut bush - not really my thing or should I say thang as I would've said in the outside world, also!


"You look stunning!" I literally scream to Lou. "Wow, thanks. But you. You are the stunning one!" "Oh Lou, shucks!"

We are all set for the social. Except, I don't have a date which means I'm in a creek without a paddle! Well according to Lou anyway! Lou has given up her date (Brannan or whatever he is called) and I continuously told her not to but then I decided to give up. She'd do anything for me which is why I absolutely love her (in a friend way, of course)!

Oops. I still haven't spoken a word to Joey. Eeeek!

We arrive to Canterbury Boarding School's hall and there. There everyone is. Woah, this is WAY bigger than I expected. Suddenly, something catches my eye. Joey and Kaycee. I have a feeling that I honestly have never felt before! Not jealousy (I'm not a jealous person!) and not sadness. Just a feeling. Maybe, I should call it the Alison Maxwell feeling. It sounds too... Peculiar!

Later in the night, I eat another pretzel, the other fifty were not as good as this one! I probably look so bloated right now. I hope no one can see me, otherwise they'll start calling me names like: Alison Pretzwell or Ali Cali. Cali for calories, get it?

Suddenly, someone touches me a few times, or I think so anyway! I turn around to see Joey. "Oh, um, hey." I say with quite a large mouth (I imagine) because of the so many pretzels in my mouth. Joey chuckled a little. "Hey. Got enough pretzels?" I laugh in embarrassment. "I hope Kaycee can't see me over here otherwise she'll drag me for another round of limbo. My back is already killing me." Joey said. "I can imagine." I reply with that feeling again.

The silence breaks with Kaycee's winging. "Come on, Joey! I need a partner in limbo!" "Can I have a break, please?" Joey whines back which is sort of cute. "What?! You've already had five minutes! And besides, your not hanging out with this loser." "Uh, I'm here you kno--" "Shut up, LOSER. I am obnoxiously not interested in your opinion." "It's obviously not obnoxiously. I'm obviously not a loser when you can't spell right!" Joey chuckled right after that.

I went back to eating snacks and suddenly I feel a harsh PUSH. I can only see the grey ground. My head feels like it's getting hit with a small hammer. My vision starts going black. No, open your eyes. I thought. But I can't. The last people I saw were Lou and Joey.

Did Kaycee push me?


Hey guys! I really am appreciative to all of my readers! If you like my story, please vote and/or comment. Thankyou! I just want to ask a question:

Who is your favourite person in My Boarding School Love so far?

Juanita x


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