The adoption

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This is going to be a very long episode I'm sorry if you don't like those but hey I can't do anything about that. So uh yah...I am going to try 1000 words. It's 12:15 am where I am ok on to the story scrubs!
(Tony POV)
May came back down with adoption papers. I was crying at this point. So was Steve and May. "Ok just sign here and he's yours!" May claimed. Me and Steve signed. Then it was all real. Peter was ours.
(Steve POV)
I couldn't believe it. I adopted a child with the one person I loved. It was a dream come true! "Tony WE'RE PARENTS!" I yelled as happy as could be I hugged May so hard. "Thank you" I whispered into her ear. After a bit of talking she packed up peters stuff and kissed him goodbye. We got in the car and Apparently Bruce was picking us up. "No." He said looking at Peter then mine and Tony's tear stained faces "Congratulations!" He exclaimed!
(Baby Peter POV)
I didn't know what was happening. But I did know that I had to dads now!
(Tony POV)
When we got back to Stark towers everyone just stared at us. " Jarvis are there any extra rooms?" I asked " yes sir on the same floor as your room" he replied. " thank you Jarvis" " my pleasure" I took Peter to his new uncle Thor "what's his name?" Thor asked "peter Parker but now it's peter stark" I replied " I'm your uncle thor, also your gonna be favorite."thor laughed "can I call Loki over?" Thor asked " of course" I said then walked to go set up peters room with Steve.
(Steve POV)
I built the crib while Tony was trying to fix the lights. The room that we were using was a old walk in closet. It was right across the hall from mine and Tony's room so we could always keep an eye on him. We walked back into the living room about three hours later to see Natasha sitting on the couch napping with peter in her lap and Bruce sleeping next to them. Loki was on the floor with Thor playing chess. " ahh well if it isn't  the brand new dads! How is it being a dad?" Loki asked both of us. " it's the best thing I could ever ask for." I replied with a giant smile in my face. " I'll make us dinner" I said walking to the kitchen
The next morning
(Tony POV)
Thankfully peter slept all night. I walked into his room and he was not in his crib.  "What the hell?!" I whispered. Then out of nowhere I heard laughter that sounded like peter coming from above my head. Peter was sitting on the ceiling. I immediately grab a chair and grabbed him. I placed him back in his crib and ran to grab Steve. We walked back in the room and he was back on the ceiling. Then he started to crawl "holy sh-" I was cut off by Steve's hand " language!" He whispered. " peter please get down?" I asked he jumped if the ceiling and I barely caught him. We ran down stairs to see everybody was already up. " uhhhh help us please with peter!" I moaned
(Steve POV)
After explain and showing what we were talking about we decided that Tony and Natasha would train on week days and me and thor on weekends. It would be hard work but we were up for the challenge. The next few weeks were a living hell. Trying to tame a two year old is hard on its own. But training a two year old with powers is a million times harder. When the third month rolled around though it was going to be great. It was peters third birthday! We started planning a week before so we had just enough time to schedule something special. We were going to give peter a spider suit! He had the exact same powers a spider does. We thought it would be funny to give him something like that.
(Tony POV)
From the week before peters third birthday I had spent all of my time in the lab ( except for meals and training) on the day before his birthday I had completed the suit. It was flexible and I made it so when he grew it would grow with him. It took a a lot of effort but it was cool. The next day came very quickly and when peter walked into the living room we were all waiting. We decided a few months before we would get him a bed. So he could get in and out easier. He walked in and we all said happy birthday he started laughing and ran over an hugged us all. It was the sweetest thing ever "DADA POPS!!" He screamed so happily while running over and hugging us. After we ate out and when we came back we unwrapped presents! When he opened his new suit he was begging to put it on instantly. When he came back with it on he randomly shot out webs. I decide to add the webs so when he got older he would use them but not now. " guess you found the web shooters peter" I laughed " thank you daddy! It's so cool!" Peter exclaimed
(Steve POV)
When we were done opening presents we got peter changed out of the suit and watched some movies. As it got later we put peter to bed. It was a great day and couldn't wait till we had another day like the one we had today.

Omg  finally done!! In total including my notes it's 1000 words! I know this was super long and I do apologize but I wanted to do a Challenge it was so fun making this. Right now at this very second it is 1:00 am. Thank you for reading goodbye scrubs it was fun!!!

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