Chapter two

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The next morning was wack, Mrs Lenda and mom took payton to town. I was starting to get agervated how alone i was becoming. I needed to talk to mom, but everytime i tryed they make an excuse to leave me here with Jessie. He didn't want any part of me, so why would i want any part of him, but i did and thats what was making me crazy, I was starting to feel myself Drawn to him like im confined to this place, but theres no way in. i was stareing at him from the kitchen windowhe looked up from cutting wood twards the house i felt our eyes meet i shook myself out of it and looked away a little embarassed. i look back and he was gone i jump at the sight of him right in front of me. "Damn, Jess whats the deal with that!", i rolled my eyes. "Do me a favor", he said going in the cabnet for a glass,"and stay out of my way and don't you dare get in my head". he pours himslef some water. tired of being drawn to you he whispers in his head. his hair was all wet from sweating and he wore a muscle shirt i looked at his sweaty toned arms, and i was right about the tattoo on his right it was a part of dragon i wished i could see the other half his left one was just a tribal. he was gorgeous his hair fell in his face. "What?", he asked. "Nothing", i said turning back to the kitchen window. "Good", he said. whats with you i whispered as i watched him walk across the back porch, the only way i could find out is to get inside his head."Were home!", Mrs Lenda walks in the kitchen with bags of food. "Niki!", Payton yells smiling. "Where's mom?" i asked confused. "Oh, she's out on a breakfast date, Payton help me put these up" she pulls a stool up. "what!?, she met someone and didn't tell me". "she wants you to concentrate on you baby nothing personal", she smiles going to the living room. i took a deep breath and hear Payton busting out laughing outside Jess was spinning Payton around upside down and for the first time i saw his smile, it was beautiful it made his face light up, he was perfect i loved everything about his smile. he puts him down and Payton looked at the window waving at me i was already smiling i waved back. Jessie's once beautiful smile went a flat line i was wishing they hadn't seen me so i could see more of it. he gave me a hurtful look. Payton and him stayed out there all day, i made me and Payton sandwiches as we watched Jessie cut wood. "He thinks your beautiful by the way", Payton smiled with a mouth full of chips and a crimson red koolaid mustache stain. I laughed at the sight of it. "What?!" he smiled. "Here take this to him", i handed him a sandwich. He's been out here all day cutting wood doing yard work trying to stay away from me, beautiful! Ha! whatever. Jess rubbed Payton's head and sat down on the tire wing he laughed talking to Payton my heart some how ached every time wishing i could hear. i listened closely trying to make my powers work. "Im joining the little league team", i actually heard Payton say. Yes! i whispered to myself, Payton looked towards the porch where i was sitting, like he heard me he smiled alil. "Good, little man ill help you", Jess said. i made my way down there to tire swing. "I was hoping you and Niki could help me", Payton smiles,"Mrs Ray told me she played". Jess laughed"A girl playing little league". "Hey!, they both turned and looked at me, i could play just like the boys". Pay tons eyes light up, "so you'll teach me?". "i sure will", he ran and gave me a hug. i watched as Jess stood up and dusted the wood shavings off his shirt. "you too bubba", he said smiling. Jessie's eyes left Payton's to me back to Payton. "Sure buddy", he rubbed his head. his jaw flexed looking back at me. "Good lets start today you been cutting wood take a break and play". "Payton", i said, "how about tomorrow Jess is probably tired". i took Payton's hand and bent down. "Okay tomorrow then", he says running inside to watch tv. Oh this will be fun, i heard Jess say in his mind smirking. "What are u smirking about?" i asked. he ignored that question. "And why you act like you care that I'm too tired to play today", he walks away ."I'm not made of stone you know", i rolled my eyes. whatever it was i was in for it, baseball here we come.


So baseball i havn't played in a while but Ive got a few things up my sleeve, Payton hands me and Jess both a glove, "I'm bat Jess you pitch, Niki be catcher". first pitch Payton pop that sucker outta here. "What!!, go Payton!!" i clapped. "Good hit", Jessie says then mugs me, I'm still clapping and smiling like a school girl. "What?", i asked him. he rolled his eyes. "OK Niki, you bat ill be catcher", Payton hands me the bat. i get in position Jessie has the biggest smirk he licks the tip of his thumb and pointer finger the throws a fast pitch i didn't even swing."Strike one", Payton yells. "What was that?" i whispered to Payton. he giggled shrugging his shoulders. the next pitch almost hit me he was way out of line and he was doing it on purpose he chuckled at me when i rolled my eyes throwing my hands up. "Strike two", Payton yells. that's it the hell i was gunna let him get the best of me. i got into potion sticking my butt out leaning a little lower, i smiled a little. he adjusted his self smirking at my position. "you think you ready for this?", he yells sarcastic. i wiggled my butt alittle and smirked he licked his tips again while i concentrated on the ball "ping" holly shit yes!! i hit it. "whoa!And it out of here!, Payton yelled running to go get it. I turned to Jessie putting the bat on my shoulder. "Hows that for ready, haha". "Lucky shot", he said kicking the dirt. "And what the hell was that all about earlier?". "Oh I'm just getting warmed up", he flips his hair out of his face. I smirked a little. "hey! guys come on Jess you throw to me ill throw to Niki and then Niki to Jess, Jess back to NiKi and so on". so we kept this going for a while but Jess kept throwing harder to me then he was for Payton. "Outch, i yelped pulling my hand out the glove shaking it. "I'm go get me some water want some?" Payton asked running to the house. "Yes please", i yelled still shaking my hand. "Why you not throwing harder cant handle it", he laughs picking the ball up off the ground. Payton hands me my water i take a sip ignoring Jess. he was really starting to piss me off but i kept telling myself this was for Payton. I think i made every hurtful noise there is in the book. Jess threw a ball hard it hit me in the chest, "Shit!", i said grabbing my chest. "Stop!!", Payton yelled, "Jess what are you doing, your messing everything up", he stomps away into the house. i took my glove off throwing it to the ground and walked towards him. "What the hell is your deal?, we could at least get along for a little while for his sake". "You mean for your sake!", he threw his glove down starting to walk away. "Excuse me!", i move closer. he turns around. "Don't give me that fucking shit sweetheart, your doing this just so you could get closer to me". "No!, I'm doing it for him, if you could really see how mad your making him that's why i wasn't fighting back hard, not every things about you!". he sneers at me then looks at the house where Payton was standing with tears in his eyes. "I'm gunna--", he scratches his head, "I'm gunna go talk to him", he walked away slowly. I sat on the tire swing frustrated how could he think he could talk to me that way, but i was here for Payton not him. i was about a couple of miles from the house listening to their conversation. I still couldn't believe i still had this power normal done went out the window mom. "Why do you hate her so much?", Payton asked sniffling. i hear Jess take a deep breath i could picture his jaw tighten. he had the perfect jaw line like a work of art he inspired me to start painting again. "I---I don't hate her", Jess says. "Then why are you so mean to her? mom says when boys are mean to girls they like each other, maybe that's why i steal this girl i likes colors everyday and throw them at her, but why be so mean to someone who is beautiful on the inside too". I couldn't help but smile at what he said i was desperate to know what Jess's answer was. "I guess i don't know her like you do", he says. I took a deep breath and looked down at my converse covered in summer grass stains. "well that's your problem", Payton says. i hear a few foot steeps and look out to the porch, Payton has Jess by the hand walking my way. "Whats up kiddo?" i smile without getting up. "Jess this is Niki, Niki this is Jess, Jess Niki loves to paint and sketch, she plays guitar, you can relate to that right?" he looks at Jess. "well someone has an extra gift" i smile. "Yes i can read everything about a person without them even telling me everything, i know a whole lot more but i wont get into all that, so we can start up again tomorrow", he smiles kissing me on the cheek, Jess rubs his head as he takes off running. "He's amazing", i say looking at the beach. "yeah", he licks his lips and our eyes meet. they were blue but warmer a slight of gold. he snaps out of it looking away putting his hands in his pockets. Later that night i was sitting on my bed painting I hear Jessie's electric guitar and closed my eyes "Odd one: he was playing. "Hey baby", mom sneaks on me. I jumped "you scared me". "Sorry how is every thing?" she smiles siting down moving my blonde hair out my face. " Ok", i took a deep breath. "You sure, that doesn't sound ok", she asked looking into my eyes. "Your eyes are changing the blue is coming in nice they are beautiful, your gums aren't getting sore, hearing people talk, healing the hurt?". "Mom whoa slow down", i say looking down. "if i tell you could you keep it a secret?". "Yes baby you know you can tell me anything. " Okay first off my gums aren't sore and yes i an hear from a far. " and--- ". i took a deep breath "i can read his mind". "who Jessie's?" she whispers. "Shh!", i told her. "Baby, Jess can only read the people that he lets in minds and he is just a blue he cant hear us". I toyed with my paint brush. "so no teeth or healing yet?", she asked. "I don't know i didn't try.". "It'all come naturally", she kisses my cheek. "mom so who's this new guy you been with", i ask. "He's just a friend". "mom come on", i rolled my eyes. "we can talk another time, Get sleep", she goes to the door. "mom wait, yall aren't planing something with me and Jess are yall". "Lenda just thinks yall can learn from another", she leaves closing the door. I had full of questions for her like why i felt so drawn to Jessie, why did i want him so bad, i was almost thirsting to know him amd who he was. Was this normal? I slept late the next day waking up to Payton banging on my door. "Get up sleepy head, got some baseball training to do", he runs down stairs. i stretched looking out the window to the beach, Dainty barks at me, "Hey baby," i kissed her nose, then petted magic pouring them both food and water i threw on a tank and shorts pulling my hair into a pony watching Jess from the window leading a horse into the stables, "Its about time", Payton laughs as dainty licks his face. "sorry i couldn't sleep last night", i tell him while we make our way down the stairs and out the door dainty and him run to the tire swing. I laughed then turn biting my lip seeing Jess walking out the stables, he had ripped dark jeans on with a tshirt with the sleeves riped off, his hair was all messy from waking up and not fixing it, he ran his hands through it absently making me want him. He close the gate and his muscles flex. I could sense him sensing me looking, his pierced blue eyes met mine. i snap myself out of it. "Okay!", i run up to Payton grabbing a glove off the ground. "throw me the ball, outfield", i yell as Payton runs, Dainty barks as i throw the ball following him. "Nice catch!", i wave at Payton. Jess grabs a glove. The day went like a glove fitted, like a player catching a ball before the other team made home run, it was all going smoothly. "Great day yall, ill be ready for my game!", Payton smiles. "Yeah you did great today", i smiled. Jess rubs Payton's head. "take Dainty and go play",. "Whoa", i say as Payton runs to the front yard. "What?", he asked. "You didn't call her a mutt, that's a upgrade". "oh...", he says putting his hands in his pocket as we walked. "I heard you playing last night since your bedrooms below mine and all, your pretty good "odd one" wasn't it", "Look", he stopped me in my tracks, "Just cause I'm getting alone with you for him doesn't mean we'r friends", "Jess if you'd just give me a chance I---". "No! I told you already i don't fucking trust you!", his eyes shifted from warm to cold pierced blue. "whatever your mom and my mom have planned isn't going to work, i don't like being judged and I'm judged by the things i do or did that you don't even know about that i don't want you to find out about, i give my trust to you no telling what people are going to say or who your going to tell", he says. "Wow who cares what people are going to say they don't know me and who said i'd say anything to any one, from someone who doesn't like being judged your the most judgmental person i ever met", i got in his face. His jaw tighted and his eyes become pierced almost clear blue. "look, you stay outta my way and ill stay out of yours". "Jess i am not afraid of you". "Damn it nik!", he says getting out my face. "Admit it!" i yelled. "Admit what!?", he yelled back. "Your drawn to me". He stopped and turn to me "Don't flatter yourself", his fist began to cringe. "I know it because i heard----", i stopped my self i didn't want him to know i could read his mind. his eyes grew bigg. i think i might have messed that one up. i crossed my arms as he walked off into the house slamming his door. I decided painting would calm me down i was sitting on the porch Jess hadn't came out his room for the rest of the day his loud music let us know he was alive. Payton sat by me, "that's Jess". "Yes your punk of a brother", he laughed then we heard the front door slam. "he better be back for my game, which is this weekend". "I'll be there", i put my head to his. "Good", he said. Mrs Lenda comes outside. "whats with Jess he just left". "Mom!!", Payton yells. "Hey baby!", she smiles picking him up to kiss him. She was so beautiful, why would their dad leave such a wonderful person, she smiles at me. he left and then was murdered mom had told me. that could be part of the reason Jessie was so messed up we were sorta the same in that department. *****chapter two complete

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