Chapter six

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I woke up to my arm even worst then it was yesterday. It felt like a thousand burning needles were jabed in at the same time, shooting up and down in my arm. A wave of nausea hit me. My arm was in searing pain that got worse each passing second. Where was Jess I panicked. My muscles cramped up on my tearing from my bones. I try to get up and collapsed in a heap. I lay there, unable to do anything except suffer, I couldn't even call out, tears fall from my eyes as I gasp and pain.

Make it stop, make it stop, I thought trying to make my powers work. My fingers were now locked. I don't understand, whats going on? How come my powers wern't working? Was the wound still to big, I felt as if I were powerless. Jess, I whispered to his mind crying in agony. Jess runs in seeing me in a heap. "Nick whats wrong", He panics un wraping my arm. I gasp it was swollen and starting to bleed again. Wide eyed Jessie throws the bandages to the ground picking me up,"I gotta get you to the hospital". "No! My mom", I say. I think started to freak out because last they saw me I went for a walk they have to be looking for me. "I called them and told them you found me and we went for a talk that i have you safe", He says reading my mind," not that they will believe me now in the condition your in", He opens the door.

The sun blinded my eyes and the heat made my arm burn even more. He puts his old bloody shirt over my arm. "Hang on", He says. He sprinted off flitting through the air. My vision was getting blurry. What just felt like a split second we were back at camp.

I heard my mom gasp. "What happen?!", Mrs Lenda yells at Jess. Big dark muscular arms then go to take me away from Jess I go to grab on to him not wanted to leave his arms. I look at James then back at Mrs Lenda screaming at Jess. Mom and James put me in the car yelling at everyone to get in. "Is she going to be ok?", Payton asked scared. "Wheres Jess", I whispered. No one answered me. A slight ringing in my ears started and I then saw black spots in my vision as my head started to swim. Everything become dark as I blacked out.

The voices I heard were distant, I heard light beeping like a heart monitor. They didn't, They did take me to a hospital. I blinked slowly then fluttered my eyes open looking around at the dull painted walls. it was clean almost to clean, It was cold and the lights were so bright, It smelt of atheists. I then look down at my arm in was in a cast and stung Little. I felt really weak. "She's awake", I hear mom walk in. I look over to her with no emotion. The doctor walks in after her. "She lost alot of blood, it will take some time to get back on your feet, Your mom here gave you some blood, your going to be fine", He smiles. "Any pain?", He asked. I nodded my head. "Well just push this button every time you have pain and we will take care of that". I push it as I feel a cold supstance go inside my IV. "So Nickollette can you tell me what happen?", He asked as Mrs Lenda walks in behind me. I took a deep breath, "I went for a walk and lost my balance tearing my arm open on a sharp rock, If Jess wouldn't of found me I think I would of bleed to death", I swallowed looking at Mrs Lenda. "You were close to that, lets just thank Jess whomever that may be", He smiles,"I'll come check on you later", he walks out the room.

"You were two pints away from dieing, We need to know the truth", My mom said giving me that look. "That's what happen", I said licking my lips. "How long I been out for?". "Three days", Mrs Lenda says walking up. "And baby girl you need to tell us the truth". I'am", I whisper. " And Jess just happen to be walking by? Don't lie for my boy, if feeders were in involved in this---". "There wern't any feeders", I said. She took a deep breath, "well I'm glad your ok". She kiss my head and walked out. "How are you feeling?", Mom asked grabbing my good arms hand. "Where's Jess?", I asked. "We were all so worried-----". "Mom! where is he..", I whispered the last part. "We don't know, His mom made him stay behind". Tears started to form a the creases of my eyes. I looked away from her out the window then back at her. "He didn't do anything, he saved me if anything", Tears started to fall down my face. "You almost died, he didn't bring you back right when it happened", She said. "Because he thought I could heal it myself but I couldn't". "Its to big of a wound for you right now", "Why didn't you heal me?", She took a deep breath we paniced baby I'm sorry", She turns the light off. "Now get some rest I'll be back in morning we aren't allowed to stay later then 8", she kisses me on the head and walks out.

There I was left along in the dark, tears fell down my face. Jessie saved me and they made him stay behind. I dont care what anyone says I'm not telling the truth and risking Jessie.

I had to fall asleep for maybe four hours when I heard someone come in and my arm was in pain I press the button then flutter my eyes slowly thinking it was the nurse coming in. But it wasn't, I opened my eyes to dark hair and beautiful blue golden eyes it was Jess. "Jess", I whisper with tears in my eyes. He walks up slowly. "What did you tell them?", He asked. I turn away thinking after everything how could he ask me that. He moves over to my side. "I mean how are you feeling?", He whispers. "How did your get in here, your going to get in trouble", I whisper then cough Little. "You really asking me that?", He rose his eye brow. "I didn't tell them about the hunt if that's what you were asking", I took a deep breath making a hurtful face. He makes one to,"It still hurts?", He asked moving to the other side putting his hand over my arm. "Stay with me?", I whispered still with tears in my eyes. He looks up at me. "You almost died because of me, and you still want me here", His eyes began to tear. "Do you not see how I'm not for you?". "Then what did you come here for Jessie?",. I saw his jaw flex and he looks at the wall then back at me. "I don't know....I...", He nods his head no. "You what?", I ask weakly. "I'm sorry", He says kissing me on my head. I put my good hand to his face as he moves slowly away from my head. He had tears still in his eyes, He was so beautiful. "Jessie...", I whisper. His eyes close and open as tears fall, I wipe them away. "Stay with me", I whisper. He looks out at the door. "Just until I fall asleep?". He moves on the other side laying down on the hospital bed with me, laying on my chest I felt him cry. "I love you", I whispered. And even though he didn't say it back I didn't care I just wanted him to know how I felt about him.

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