Chapter four

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I woke up alone in his room still without any clothes, I stretch throwing on a tshirt and some of his boxers walking out to amazing food smells. There was Payton and Jess laughing and playing around. "So, you had fun?!", Jess play punched Payton, "Hell yeah!!". Payton says. "Watch your mouth boy!", Jess laughs. I couldn't help but laugh out loud. "Niki!", Payton yells jumping off the stool almost falling over he hugs me. "Hey bee..", I say gently. I still felt kinda sore from the pounding I got. I then look at Jess as he watches us and then he smiles beautifully at me. Finally that smile I been after, Perfect. "Hungry?", he asked. "Smells good", I say taking the stool next to Payton. He puts eggs, bacon, little mini sausages, grits, and toast in front of me, I smile taking in the smells remembering. "My dad use to cook like this every morning its been a while since I had breakfast like this", I say looking at Jess. "Jess whats with all the food and smiling? You havn't cooked like this, well, since never", he throws his hands up. He looked so cute his hair was all messy in his pjs. "Just thought I'd be nice", He smiles at me then rubs Payton's head while handing him a plate. All you heard was laughing and chatting the whole time we ate and Jess's eyes never left mine. Payton looks at Jess then looks at me. He smiles,"I'm done, what times mom coming get me?". "Um her and Mrs. Ray should be home in a few, go puts some clothes on bud", Jess says putting dishes in the dish washer. "Good, i havn't talked to my mom or did anything with her yet", I say getting up to hand him my dish. He grabs my waist and pushes me against the counter gently, his body against mine I smiled and breathed in tiredly. "I thought that maybe we could spend the day together," he says looking at my lips then into my eyes. "Um ok," I smile slipping out of his hold on me. "Let me go change".

I feed Dainty and Magic, then brushed my long blonde hair, I decided on my ripped jeans and a off the shoulder vintage t shirt, throwing on some light makeup, I smile at Magic as she jumps on my lap I pet her then stand up putting on my brown pixie boots and for the first time i felt right. I walk down stairs to mom and Mrs. Lenda walking through the door. "Hey love," Mrs. Lenda smiles. "Hi", I say trying not to look to giddily. "Ohh you look cute," Mom smiles kissing me on the cheek. "Where you going?'. "Spend the day with me", Jess says grabbing my hand intertwineing his fingers with mine. "Ready?', He squeezes my hand. I smile big and nod. Mom gives me and look and Lenda is wide eyed as she bumps mom. "Did you see their faces?!' i smile laughing as we made our way to his truck. "Yeah, I still dont know what their up to", he lets go of my hand opening the door. I watched him wide eyed in suprise. He actully opened the door for me. "Your cheriade awaits". I laugh,"Why thank you". I slide in hopinn into his big truck.

I couldm't beleive how sweet he was being, we laughed the whole time driving with the windows down. I sung almost every song that he put on the radio, I actully felt normal for once since i been here. I sung a high note then looked at Jess he had a cute smirk on his face, his blck hair blew a little in his eyes when he looked at me. "Drops of Jupiter", I said, "You dont like it?". "No, I love it, you sing awsome". I laughed. "No realy", he says. "Well thank you", I smile putting my hand out the window feeling the cool summer air. He looks back at the road, "So last night was---". "Jess---plz, you dont have to say anything", I look out the window rmembering his touch and his breath on my skin. "Everything i dreamed it would be", he says. "Oh so I see you've already fantisied about us," I laughed. His face blushed a little. "No!--I mean---Shutup, He smled still looking at the road the dark shirt he was wearing made his pierce blue eyes look so inosent. I bring my head to my palm and looked at the trees . "It was wasn't it", I looked at him. he glanced at me then the road then back to me. "What?" "You look beautiful---", He smiles. I turn away smileing, "thank you". "Now where you taking me?", i ask as we pass up buildings i never seen. "Everywhere", He smiled. so we spent our day having lunch in the park watching the old couple pass by and other couples. "Ever wondered what it would be like to love like that, and grow old together", He just looked at me then the old couple. He looked so distant like he could never be like that. "Come on", He takes my hand, we walk to a Art gallery across the street. I let go of his hand amazed by all the paintings by famous artist. "I long for a chance to see one of my paintings in a place like this". I could feel Jess watching me with his hands in his pockets. i few people give us some disapproving looks. I just ignore their minds saying whats a beautiful young lady like that doing with a boy like that. those tattoos and those pierced ears, that hair. i smirk looking at the paintings. "man----I don't know what to do"..that time i heard his mind. I look at him. He snaps out of it clearing his throat. "This ones my favorite", He says pointing to one of Gloria Blats abstract paintings. "Ah expecting rain", I said. "It reminds of all the shit and mistakes i made, and you see the bright, the good i must grasp," He stares at the painting. I look at him then the painting. "you see like a Artist", I smile. "You know Artist, Writers, and musician players all think alike its a unexplainable passion and we seen what we've been through, what we have seen, or what we wanna see through what is our passion". He looks down at his feet. "Lets get outta here", He says walking away.

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