Chapter ten

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I felt a sudden sting of pain light at first, I flutter my eyes open and everything around me was blurry so I close my eyes back heavily, I could hear a heart monitor and people talking, Doctors I figured, but I couldn't make out what they were saying, I could also hear a baby crying some where in the back ground, I move my right arm and the tape from my IV pinched me, I try opening my eyes once more this time it was blurry but became very clear, There were bright lights and doctors dressed in blue with mask over their faces standing over me, "Are you in any pain", The male nurse asked me. I thought this is hoe exactly I want to wake up, you think they would put you in a quiet room with no bright lights and baby's screaming for mercy.

I tried moving my left arm but I couldn't it was now put back into a stiff familiar position broken again. My side then starts to sting worse, and I tired to shift but it causes more pain and I am unable to move. I nod my head to the doctor closing my eyes crying silently. I even tried using my powers, Nothing, then I thought...Jessie... "Where's my mom", I asked hoarsely.

"We are going to get her in a minute, we need to check your incision", The female says wiping my face and rubbing her hand softly on my cheek as if she were trying to make me feel better. Another female doctor came closer to me switching my bags and handing me a button, "You push this right here when you feel pain, and this IV will send some pain meds", She smiles without a mask on. I push the button right away. Soon a male with a white coat came up to me, "How are you feeling", He talked like I was deaf. His loud voice was giving me a headache.

"Pain in my side", I said wincing. He nods his head, "That's all normal, your a lucky girl". Like I haven't heard that before. "I'm going to check your incision", He says lifting the blanket I could feel his cold fingers brush my skin. "Looks good", He smiles. "Ill have your mother come in for a talk, then we will roll you off to your own room, sound good?". I nod my head closing my eyes.

"Nickollette", Mom says lightly on my side. I open my eyes and instantly tears fell down my face. She wipes them away, "Are you in pain". I held up the button showing her I took some medicine. The doctor then pulls her to the side, "She is out of her power so it'al take as long to heal as a human would, with five broken ribs your looking at six months or more, but because of how badly she was hurt and the amount of blood lost it might even take her longer to get on her feet again".

Tear fell down my mom's face, "Will she be able to walk again ever". The doctor smiles, "I have the highest faith that she will, she is very Strong", He nods at me then tells another nurse that it is ok to send me to my own room. Mom stayed at my side while they rolled me down the hall, with the medicine in my system I was starting to feel sleepy. I tired to listen for Jessie or at least feel him but ...Nothing.. they finally get me to my room and situated as the nurse left my mom pulls a chair close to my left side where my hand was free for holding. I looked at the emotion on her face, it must of scared her when she found out, "How did I get here?", I whispered coughing causing pain in my side, I squint. "Josh brought you here, he carried you", She says. More tears fell down my face. "Did I save him, did I save Jess", I asked.

She took a deep breath, "Mom", I whimpered.

"Yes, you saved him just in time, he's in the room across from yours they keeping him here to get fluids in him because of all the blood hes lost", She says squeezing my hand. "Your so brave, giving all your powers to someone is a big sacrifice".

I loved Jessie so to me this wasn't a big sacrifice, Id give up the world for him. I didn't care if I died just as long as Jessie was alive, he deserved to live a better life and I thought of Payton and how devastated he would have been, Jessie was the only father like figure in his life. What I did was a good thing and the easiest decision I ever made.

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