[Chapter 079] - Having 'The Talk'

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[Astrid's Point Of View]


Earlier, when Ruffnut and I went home, I told her that I had asked Hiccup and that I was a little nervous...

She calmed me down and encouraged me as she always does...

...I'm grateful for having such a good friend as her...

As I arrived at my home, I was a little nervous to speak with my parents... They were busy watching sports on TV, so I silently made my way into the living room...

"Mom? Dad? I asked Hiccup to come over tomorrow for dinner..." I said, immediately getting their attention.

My mom quickly widened her eyes, smiling very widely. "FINALLY!!" She yelled happily and stormed over to give me a hug. "We finally get to meet him properly!"

"Mooom..." I groaned.

"Sorry... I guess I'm just excited to meet him" My mom apologized, but still held up the happy smile.

I giggled. This was typical of my mom...

"I know you are... But please promise me not to embarrass me, okay?" I demanded in a serious tone. "...And please! For god's sake, DON'T embarrasses him, okay?!"

"I promise" my mom smirked. "Now, do you have any wishes for dinner tomorrow then?"

"Hmmm..." I tapped my chin. I tried to think of something I know for sure Hiccup would like... "How about homemade pizza?"

My mom frowned but then nodded. "Okay, then I have to do a little shopping tomorrow, but it's okay!..." She smiled. "Are you getting here after school or-?"

Good question! I can only answer that if he is allowed to stay overnight...

"Well, that depends," I started. "I actually also wanted to ask you about something..."

My mom and dad now looked at me with interested eyes. I swallowed a chuck and took a deep breath. "CanHiccupstayovernighttoo?" I said as quickly as possible.

"Excuse me, what?" My mom said, raising an eyebrow.

I sighed and looked at them again with my puppy eyes. "Can Hiccup stay overnight too?"

"We'll have to discuss that," my dad said and looked at mom, sending each other's opinions through their glances. I was biting my lip very tensely because I wanted them to say 'yes'...


After a few moments, my mom and dad stopped and looked at me.

"As the very good parents, we are," my mom said and gestured to them both with a smile. "We allow it-"

"Thank you! Thank you!" I cheered, jumping a bit and clapping my hands, but quickly stopped as I realized I looked stupid...

"-Under one condition though!" My mom continued.

I raised an eyebrow. This couldn't possibly be any good thing... Could it?...

"You and I have to take 'the talk' now!" she said and pointed back and forth between us, giving me a serious look.

...Well, I knew it was coming someday... And everything has a price...

"Really?! I'm 17, mom!" I complained.

"Nevertheless, you still have much to learn, in particular, now that you and your boyfriend started to sleep together," she pointed out and made those serious eyes even tenser.

I felt my cheeks beginning to get heated. If this really is the only way...

"Okay..." I gave in. "What do you want to talk about?"

"Let's go to the kitchen, shall we?" My mom suggested. "I'll make you a cup of tea"

I followed her into the kitchen and sat down. I placed my head in my palms to cover up my red cheeks.

...Yes... I was blushing like crazy...

I also made sure my braid was securely in place, covering up my hickey... I don't want my parents to change their minds about letting me sleep together with him...

My mom boiled some water and poured it into two cups, handing one of them to me. She sat down across me and took a sip.

"So, where do we start?" My mom asked, tapping her chin. "I just want to make a few things clear... We don't need to go into all the detail, okay?"

"Thank god!" I mumbled under my breath. Aaaawkward...

"Now that Hiccup and you are starting to sleep together, you have to keep caution of your actions!" My mom noted. "Every kind of activity has its consequences"

"Consequences?!" I asked. What did she mean by that?!

"I'll get to that later, first you need to know about your own limits," she said. "If you, at any time, are doing something you feel uncomfortable with, stop it! Okay?... If you don't feel like doing it, you shouldn't!"

"Yeees, I know that mom..." I groaned. Seriously, this is too embarrassing, and I know it's only getting worse...

"I'm only reminding you!" She defended. "Now, and when you two decide to go further - which I don't want to happen tomorrow night!!! - ... You have to promise me, that you'll use protection, okay? I don't want you to do anything you regret!"

"What is that supposed to mean?!" I asked, confused.

"I don't want you to get pregnant!!" My mom clarified. "And he sure doesn't want that too..."

"Seriously mom, do you think we are gonna do that tomorrow night!?! Because we are not!" I quickly pointed out. Gods, she shouldn't know anything...

"No, no! I'm just making sure you and I are on the same track..." She said. "And I don't want you to do 'it' any time soon 'cuz I still think you are too immature for that... ...But if you ever decide to do 'it', be sure both of you are ready! "

"I understand! Are we done now? 'Cuz I'm tired, I just want to go bed..." I said and yawned.

My mom frowned. "But you haven't even eaten yet... You can't sleep on an empty belly..."

I rolled my eyes. "I'll just take something quick then..." I said, standing up and making my way to the fridge, opening it and grabbing the first thing in sight.

...A container with leftovers from yesterday, which I didn't get to eat due to me being at Hiccup's house...

I closed the fridge and made my way out to the stairs. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and found Hiccup's contact while walking up the stairs.

I texted him about tomorrow and told him the good news. It was really getting dark outside, which made it feel like it was very late in the evening, even though it probably wasn't...

I waited for him to answer and just laid down on my bed, eating some of the leftovers... I was feeling rather sleepy, but I wanted to make sure Hiccup and I had a deal before going to sleep...


He finally answered and we planned the whole next day out together. We were going home to his house tomorrow after school, getting his stuff and then heading to my place afterward.

...I was getting excited now...

I closed my eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep, dreaming about my handsome boyfriend...


[- Next Chapter: Mood Swings?]

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