[Chapter 082] - Are You Ready?

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[Hiccup's Point Of View]


School is now over for today and I am feeling very fatigued. We had been continuing with our build project for the whole day, and Jack and I got the job of sawing all the chair pieces out today instead.

It was easy in the beginning, but when you have to work continuously for 5 hours with no break, you get tired...

Astrid had been with the girls all day. The teachers asked her to jump off me and save all the snuggly-stuff till after school, so she did...

...Poor Astrid... I know she wanted to stay close to me, but I couldn't carry her and saw at the same time for 5 hours straight...

Nevertheless, I still got through the day and now I'm in the school's parking lot, waiting for my gorgeous girlfriend.

She sent me a text saying, that she was a little delayed due to some assignment questions she had to deal with. So, I was just waiting patiently here, checking through my phone.

I could feel the nervousness build up inside my body... I was going to have dinner with her parents in a few moments... I had tried my best not to think much about it during the day since It'll just make me more nervous...

...What if they don't like me?...

Astrid told me they were some nice parents. She told me, that her mother likes to talk, while her dad mostly stays silent and just listens to the conversation...

...I'm still a little afraid though... What if I make a bad first impression?...


"Hey, Babe"

I was brought out of my worried thoughts as I heard that angelic voice. Turning around, a wide smile appeared on my lips as I saw my girl.

"Hey, M'lady. Ready to go?" I asked, hiding my nervousness and walking toward her.

Meeting me halfway, she wrapped her arms around my middle bringing me in for a tight and snuggly hug. I wrapped my arms around her waist, hugging back. I nestled my face into her hair and held her tight...

I felt her hold on very tight. "You missed me?" I asked, confused.

Astrid snorted and pulled back from the hug. "I was not allowed to embrace you all day, I've been too busy with the girls to talk with you, AND, I haven't had a chance to see you the last 5 hours" she listed on her fingers. "Of course I missed you, dork!"

"Well, when you say it that way..." I mumbled under my breath.

Astrid now wrapped her arms around my neck, while I still had my arms around her waist. She pulled herself closer and gazed into my eyes.

"...Dork," she said and gently connected our lips, planting a long and passionate kiss.

I - of course - kissed back with just as much passion.

I know we were standing in the middle of the school's parking lot, kissing like we haven't seen each other for years, but I don't care...

I sensed some of the teachers looking at us, but I just ignored it. It is very rare that Astrid allows us to kiss like this, so I just want to enjoy times like this...

After around 74 seconds - yes, I counted... - she pulled back and looked at her phone. I saw her eyes widen.

"Hiccup, we need to get your stuff. Look, my mom has just texted me saying dinner is ready in half an hour" she said and showed me the message from her mom.

I looked at the message and then at the time, it was already 05:32 p.m.

- I forgot to tell, that because of the 'topic week' we have some changes in our schedule. And one of them; is the time we get off...

...And today the school finished at 05:00 p.m. which was a little annoying, but luckily we only need to go to school for 2 hours tomorrow instead. -

Anyway, we need to get going, so I quickly opened the seat compartment and took out the spare helmet, handing it to her. She took it on and we mounted my motorbike.

I adjusted my position and turned the key, starting up the engine. "Ready?" I asked.

I felt Astrid wrapping her arms around my middle and resting her cheek against my back. "Ready!" she said.

...It was just like the first time I took her for a ride...

I began to drive, carefully zig-zagging out through the parking lot. There were many cars here and it is a bit of a challenge to get through, but luckily we made it without any damage.

We hit the road and began to drive in the direction of my house. The traffic was a little crowded today due to the time, but as long as we don't get into a traffic jam, it'll be alright...


After about 5 minutes, we pulled into my driveway. I turned off my motorbike and turned around.

"Will you help me pack?" I asked, hoping for some help.

Astrid nodded and both of us went inside my house. My dad was at home, so we greeted him and I told him what the plan was. He - as always - vouched for it and carried on with his work.

Astrid and I headed up the stairs to my room. I was going to find the things I need, while Astrid would pack it down for me.


After a lot of deciding, I had all the things I needed: clothes, toiletries, and deodorant.

I grabbed the bag which Astrid packed for me and we headed to the door. We went back down the stairs and said 'bye' to my dad before getting back out the door.

I checked the time again and it was 05:49 p.m.

We mounted my motorbike again and drove back out onto the road. There was still a lot of traffic, but not as much in this direction, so it went faster than I expected.


We arrived at Astrid house at 05:58 and jumped off my bike. I grabbed my stuff and we began making our way towards the door.

Now I really felt the nervousness kick in. I've never been inside her house before...

Astrid must've noticed my tenseness because she grabbed my hand, slowly leading me.


I took a deep breath and Astrid grabbed the handle.



[- Next Chapter: So, This Is My House]

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