[Chapter 059] - Truth Or Dare (Part 1)

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[Astrid's Point Of View]

We were all eating our dinner while we talked about the plans for later tonight.

I was sitting in between Hiccup's legs and leaning against his warm body. He and I ended up sharing the same plate as none of us wanted to get up and go to get some more food.

...Which was all fine with me, of course...

We took turns eating while we talked with the others. It was now getting very dark, so Ruffnut had been going around on the whole terrace and turning on the small lamps to make it extra comfortable and cozy.

"Guys! Guys! Guys! How about we play a little game now?" Anna asked, putting her plate to the side and looking dramatically around at all of us.

We all looked at each other and nodded in agreement. Nothing makes a cozy night, cozier, than a little party game...

"What do you suggest we play?" Jack asked.

I couldn't resist to let out a soft giggle, as Anna rubbed her hands together and glanced around at all of us in an evil manner. She really wanted this to be dramatical, huh?

"I... Suggest, we play... Truth or Dare!" She whisper-shouted the last bit, again, to give it an extra effect.

"Truth or Dare? What is that about?" Fishlegs asked with a nervous voice.

"The name explains itself, come on guys, please, can we play?" Ruffnut pleaded while pressing her palms together, smirking.

We all now sat down in a big circle, by moving some the armchairs closer to each other. I obviously went back to my seat in between Hiccup's legs, leaning against him.

"Okay, so guys, there are only three rules" Anna started, looking excited around at the others with a smile. "Rule number one: You have to complete the given order, whether it is to tell a truth or do a dare!"

Fishlegs nodded, even though he seemed a little skeptical about this...

"Rule number two: The dares must be possible to complete!" Ruffnut supplied with a smirk. Anna smiled and nodded.

"And finally, rule number three: You must not ask the person, who just asked you! You have to choose a new one" Anna finished, looking just as excited as Ruffnut.

"Okay, got it" Fishlegs stated. He still seemed to be a little nervous about that game, you never know what you are gonna do or tell - it might be something private or really transgressive.

Everyone was quiet for a moment...

"Okay, I'll go first!" Tuffnut started, he began to point at Snotlout, but quickly moved his index finger over on Jack.

"Jack, truth or dare?" He asked dramatically, looking at Jack with a smirk.

Jack bounced a little as he realized it was him...

"Eh... Truth..." Jack answered and leaned in closer...

"Truth? Okay, let me see. Hmm..." Tuffnut said, tapping his chin. "Ah-ha, okay! Who is your best looking friend?"

Everyone leaned in closer with curious eyes.

"...I think it's Hiccup..." Jack said and smiled at Hiccup. I felt Hiccup's heartbeat rise as he smiled back.

"I agree to that..." I mumbled under my breath.

"I HEARD THAT!!" Ruffnut laughed, pointing at me. We all started to laugh a little, even me...

"Okay, okay! My turn... Anna, truth or dare?" Jack said and looked at Anna.

"Dare!" Anna said confidently.

"Okay... Do 30 push-ups!" Jack said and pointed at the ground.

Anna sighed annoyingly and looked around at all of us in hope to cancel the dare. She got no nods, so she went down and began the work-out.

"Elsa... You... Take... My... Turn..." Anna said while doing a push-up.

"Okay," Elsa said and pointed at Snotlout. "Truth or dare?"

"Truth!" Snotlout said, and at the same time, he tried to avoid eye-contact with Elsa as she was smirking evilly.

"Where was your first kiss?" Elsa asked.

Snotlout blushed and looked away for a second. "Behind the school..." He whispered quietly.

He got some 'oooooh's from the guys, a smile from Elsa, and an annoyed pant from Anna, who was still doing her push-ups...

"Okay, my turn now," Snotlout said and pointed at me. "Truth or dare?"

"Dare!" I said and leaned forward.

Snotlout smiled in a weird way and tapped his chin. Ruffnut leaned in a whispered him something.

After Ruffnut was done whispering, Snotlout's face lightens up.

He nodded at Ruffnut and turned back to me. "You can either choose to take off someone's shirt or take off your own shirt,"

I got some 'oooooh's from the others. Were we really playing the game like this already?

"Okay," I said and looked around. I don't wanna take off my own shirt...

"I'll do it if you don't want to" Hiccup whispered into my ear.

I smiled and turned my head around to look at him. He was having a sweet smile on his lips like he didn't mind at all...

I nodded at him and he began to take off his shirt, but someone interrupted.

"Wait! I said Astrid should take off someone's shirt, you are ruining the fun" Snotlout quickly noted, crossing his arms over his chest and raising his eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes. "As you want"

I turned around and grabbed the hem of his shirt. I felt a lot of faces staring and smirking at me from behind, but I just tried to ignore them and began pulling up his shirt.

It was so tempting to gaze at his now shirtless body but I tried not to. I kept his shirt in my hands.

I gave him an innocent smile and turned around. I leaned back against chest again and he wrapped his arms around me as nothing had happened.

Now it was my turn. I pointed at Tuffnut. "Truth or dare?"

"Dare!" Tuffnut said enthusiastically.

"Army-crawl around the pool!" I said and pointed at the pool.

"As you want," He said, went down and began to crawl. Wow, he didn't care or what?

After he was done, he went back to us and pointed at Ruffnut. "Truth or dare?"

Ruffnut tapped her chin while smiling. "Truth!"

Now he tapped his chin. "Tell us the last secret, someone told you!" He said.

Ruffnut widened her eyes and sighed deeply. "Just the secret?"

"Yes," He said.

...I think I already knew what it was...

Ruffnut looked over at Elsa and gave her the you-know-what-I'm-about-to-do look. Elsa nodded and looked at Jack who hadn't realized anything.

"Elsa and Jack are dating..." Ruffnut admitted. "Sorry, Jack..."


[- Next Chapter: Truth Or Dare (Part 2)]

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