chapter 2: You're my only chance

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Elise Collins P.O.V

"Mother, I would like you to meet Elise Collins, my girlfriend"

What the hell? I knew his mother wanted him to get married and I felt bad for him but that didn't mean he gets to use me and without even telling me beforehand. I didn't move, I just stared at his mother who was smiling big. She was happy.

She came towards me and embraced me tightly "I'm so happy you finally met someone who doesn't look like a prostitute!" she scolded her son still hugging me.

Of course I didn't look like a prostitute; I came from a well off family and was brought up in a good environment. I was also self-preserved.

"What?" I mouthed at him from over her shoulder and all he did was shrug.

"Alright mother, enough, you're suffocating her" he pulled his mother away and grabbed his suit jacket putting it on.

"Now if you'll excuse us, we have a date to get to" he winked at her and came towards me taking my hand in his. I felt a jolt go through me at the contact. Mr. Walton led the way to the elevator with his arm wrapped securely around my waist.

The receptionist and everyone else on that floor were giving us stunned stares. I couldn't blame them. It's not every day you see Zachary Walton being this close to an employee, let alone his PA. It felt as weird as it looked. 

Being behind closed doors, I pulled myself away looking at him still shocked by what he did "what the hell just happened up there?" I gasped covering my mouth for the disrespectful tone I had just used at him.

"I'm sorry I had no choice and you just came in like a saving angel! I couldn't think of something else. I'm sorry."

I just shook my head "Look Mr. Walton, you know how much I respect you and you know I would do anything to support you...but this? That's a family matter and I can't get involved. I hope you understand."

"I do, and again, I'm sorry. That won't happen again" He sounded sincere enough. We heard the elevator's ding and we had to get out "Now, I think we should go on that date anyway." He told me with his signature smirk that would have made a girl fall all over him. But that girl wasn't me.

"Excuse me? No I'm sorry Mr. Walton. Actually I just came into your office to let you know I was leaving." I pointed to Marc's car "My real date is here to pick me up. I'll see you Monday." I gave him a small smile before rushing to Marc's car.

I looked back at my boss and saw him still looking at me. I couldn't explain the mixture of feelings I was having right now. And I hoped Monday wouldn't be awkward after this.

"Hi" I smiled getting into Marc's car.

"Hi beautiful" He smiled back leaning in for a kiss but I gave him my cheek instead. If he was annoyed, he didn't show it.

"Sorry I'm late my boss needed some information on a project we're working on."

"No problem, is that him?" I followed his line of vision to see Mr. Walton still standing there.

"Yeah, it's him."

"Never saw a billionaire accompany his assistant to the front door"

"Just, drive Marc, the billionaire's assistant is famished."

Marc grinned and started the car "Good, because I made reservations in one of the best restaurants in New York. You'll love it."

I smiled at him and looked out the window. Marc was making small talks but my mind wasn't here at all. It kept wandering to what happened earlier with my boss. Mr. Walton was known for being ruthless and arrogant. I never witnessed that side of him during my two years at the company.

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