Chapter 5: I quit!

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Elise Collins P.O.V

The first thing I did when I got home was calling Aria. My best friend. Aria and I have been friends since kindergarten, she knows my deepest secrets.

"Hello?" Aria's voice sounded sleepy and I felt bad for waking her up.

"Hi love, I'm sorry I woke you up, get back to sleep I will call you tomorrow."

"What! No, I'm wide awake, talk" I smiled and started telling her everything.

She was stunned by Marc's behavior but was more shocked by my boss's idea. She couldn't believe I went with it. But as the good friend she is, she supported my decisions without doubting me. She tried convincing me about having a contract drawn up but I didn't see the necessity of it. It wasn't like we made a deal and I was getting anything in return.

I was just helping my boss go through some family issues. Speaking of family, I loved Zachary's parents. They were so nice to me and so fun to be around. Unlike their son who is most of the time so uptight.

His sister was hilarious, always making jokes and teasing Zachary. He pretended to be bothered but I knew that deep down, he loved her teasing. Andrew, his brother, was quite the flirt. Although he shared the same name with his cousin, they were very different.

Andrew kept flirting with me trying to get a reaction out of Zachary which didn't happen. Of course, it wouldn't, it's not like we're really together or anything.

The most disturbing part of my day was seeing Andy. The way he reacted when he saw me was weird, we haven't spoken in years and he just up and hugged me as if we were long-lost friends. We were far from that though. But I was too shocked to react in any way so I just let him hug me.

I threw my phone on the bed and slipped out of my dress before taking a quick shower not bothering to dry my hair when I finished. I was too tired to care. Getting under the covers my mind wouldn't let me sleep. My thoughts kept drifting to a certain tall and dark handsome CEO. I facepalmed myself for the thoughts coming to my mind before I decided I needed a distraction. Turning the TV on, I chose a movie and fell asleep watching it.

I spent my Sunday with Aria at the mall and we even went out at night. Clubbing wasn't something to do on a work night, but we both needed it.

Monday morning, I woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm and jumped out of bed as if there was a fire. I quickly put on my clothes and gasped as I saw my hair in the mirror.

"Smart move Elise! Now your hair is a mess" I groaned trying to fix it in a bun but only got a messy one. "Doesn't matter" I muttered as I put on my heels, grabbed my purse, and dashed out of my house, I didn't have time to waste on my hair.

After picking up Mr. Walton's coffee as I do every morning, I went up to our floor eagerly, ignoring the stares I was getting. Weirdos, I muttered to myself. I finally got to my office and put down my bag and coffee before going to Mr. Walton's office.

I wasn't sure if he was here yet. Sometimes he came early, sometimes he didn't. I knocked twice on the door and waited.

"Come in" hearing his voice made things to my body I didn't want to give much thought to.

I went in with a smile "Good morning Mr. Walton, here's you... Oh my god! What happened to your face? Your beautiful face!" I almost slapped myself for saying the last part out loud. I heard him chuckle and went to place the coffee on his desk. Getting closer I examined his wounded lip and his bluish eye. It wasn't that bad but it was obvious he was in a fight.

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