Chapter 12: I want this to end

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Elise Collins P.O.V

We climbed out of the car and made our way to the front door where Zachary was sitting on the porch. He was wearing a black tux, his tie was loose around his neck and he looked furious and sexy as hell. I tripped and Nathan instantly caught me.

"Careful beautiful,"

"My hero" I giggled but stopped when I noticed Zachary standing up and coming toward us glaring. "Oh no, he's mad." I hid behind Nathan as everyone else just went inside the house.

"Look I don't know who you are but she obviously doesn't want to speak to you so would you please just... I don't know to leave?"

"Leave? That's none of your business and I suggest you take your hands off her!" Zachary threatened.

I felt Nathan's grip on my arm tighten "I can't do that." He pulled me upfront and wrapped his arm around my waist just to make a point. I was trembling knowing that would only worsen things. I heard Zachary growl before I registered what happened next. He launched himself at Nathan and tackled him to the ground. He was too quick for Nathan who was a little tipsy and threw a punch at Nate's jaw.

"Zachary! Stop!" I tried pulling him off of Nathan but couldn't he was too heavy. I saw Paul running to us and pull Zachary off.

"Easy man! Calm down!"

I helped Nathan up making sure he was okay. His lip was a little busted but there was no other damage "I'm so sorry Nate."

"Don't worry beautiful I'm fine."

We both looked at Zachary and I glared at him "What the hell were you thinking! You can't come to my house this late and punch my friend!"

Paul chuckled "Trust me, Elise, he wasn't thinking" he earned a glare from Zachary and cleared his throat. "Come on Nate, let's give them some space." They both left leaving me with a very angry, very glaring, and threatening Zachary. I saw him take a step forward and I took one backward.

"Elise" he whispered but I kept taking backward steps.

"Elise stop I'm not going to hurt you" I paused looking up in his eyes, there was still a hint of anger but he seemed more composed. He was starting to calm down and I didn't want to rile him up again so I stopped moving.

He closed the distance between us until we were toes to toes. His closeness was affecting me so much and I wanted to reach up and kiss him while running my hand through his hair. But before I could do any of those things he grabbed my head pulling me closer to him and claiming my lips. The kiss was nothing like the ones we shared before; this one was full of anger and demand.

Zachary was being very possessive pressing me against him wrapping his arms around me even tighter. He probed my lower lip and I grant him access letting his tongue explore my mouth and dance with my own as I did the same. I felt him relax a little as his hand went to my lower back and drew circles getting lower with every stroke. I moaned as I felt him grip my ass and squeeze it without breaking the kiss. He was now kissing me with more passion and hunger making me gasp for air. He rested his forehead on mine his breathing hard, matching mine.

"You are mine Elise" his voice was husky and deep but also held a little threat.

I shook my head "I'm only your fake girlfriend. I agreed not to see anyone while we do this... but that does not mean I'm yours." I pulled away reluctantly and instantly missing his touch. "I saw your picture with Jamie. I'm not your real girlfriend, I have no right to be jealous or angry but I was angry. You just told me not to date and here you are showing the world you're back with...whatever she is."

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