Chapter 15: part of the deal

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Let's pretend, chapter 15

Elise Collins P.O.V

I woke up to the smell of coffee filling the room. I stretched before rubbing my eyes and sitting up lightly I smiled when I noticed I was in the living room. We didn't make it to the bedroom last night and fell asleep on the couch. I looked around for my clothes and spotted them by the door but his t-shirt was right next to me. Getting up I pulled down his t shirt and went to the kitchen smiling as I saw him cooking bacon by the stove wearing only his boxers. I made my way to him and wrapped my arms around his waist breathing him in as I rested my face on his bare back feeling his muscles move under my cheek.

"Good morning handsome"

"Good morning beautiful" he chuckled turning off the stove before he turned around and wrapped his arms around me. He leaned down and pecked my lips. "You took forever to wake up so I made us both breakfast, I have about ten minutes before I need to leave."

"Why are you in a hurry?"

"Because I need to go home; take a shower and get ready for the office. Plus, I have a meeting with a very hot designer, so I need to look my best don't you think?"

I blushed burying my face in the crook of his neck "You would look hot in anything"

Zachary chuckled cupping my face making me look into his eyes "You've never been shy around me. What is this about?" he smirked

"I'm not shy" I murmured before making my way to the kitchen bar where he had already set the table "Come eat before it gets cold"

Our breakfast was filled with jokes, and old stories from our childhood, a little bit of flirtation. Time passed without us even noticing and instead of staying only for ten minutes, Zachary stayed an hour before he rushed out to his house. I took a hot shower a smile plastered on my face and not leaving it for a second. I had just gotten out of the bathroom when I heard my phone go off. I rushed to get it and saw an unknown number.

I picked up raising an eyebrow "Hello?"

"Good morning Elise, it's Ella, Ella Walton"

"Oh, hi Mrs. Walton"

"Don't be silly, just call me Ella. We went over this already"

I smiled imagining her grounding face. "How are you Ella?"

"I'm Ecstatic. I just saw the pictures of you and Zachary on E news, they are lovely. You both look adorable in matching outfits. I'm so happy you two are getting along so well"

I could hear the excitement in her voice as I looked for my tablet to see what the fuss was about. I saw pictures of Zachary and I walking hand in hand in the street, and another of us going into the coffee shop. The last one was us inside the coffee shop both smiling. That last picture would look like we were in love to anyone who didn't really know us. But it made me smile, we did look good together in matching colors.


"Yes Ella, I'm sorry I was checking the pictures"

"Beautiful pictures aren't they?"

"Yes they are. Thank you Ella"

"Anyway, I called to check on you. Zackary said you were ill Friday, and couldn't make it to the gala"

"Oh yes I think I ate something that upset my stomach. But I'm feeling better thank you"

"That's great news. Do you think you could squeeze us in your schedule? Let's say tomorrow night?"

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