The Secret is Out

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You guys can figure out what this chapter is about. You'll also see why I made that picture also I sadly couldn't find a better picture for Sophocles :(.

Third Person POV

Like usual, Rotom wakes Ash up. After Ash leaves the loft, the flying Pokédex notices something white under the couch Ash sleeps on.

Curiosity getting the best of it, Rotom gets closer to it. Then he realizes it is a letter. It sees 'Ashy' on the front of the letter, and was about to go ask Ash what it was about when it dropped the letter. When the letter landed, it is open.

The only thing that Rotom happens to see is 'Your boyfriend'. It quickly grabs the letter and goes to find Kukui. Once it spots the Professor, he quickly flies to him.

"We should go the the school early." The Pokédex says quietly.

"Why?" The Professor asks concerned.

"I found something that everyone should see." It says.

"Okay." Kukui says slowly and suspiciously. "As-" Rotom quickly covers his mouth.

"Without Ash." It says.

"Why?" The Alolan Professor is now glaring at the Pokédex.

"It, uh, it's about him." Rotom admits while looking around not seeing Ash.

"Then wh-" Again Rotom cuts him off.

"It's better if we go now." Rotom says then zips to the door.

"Fine." Kukui gives in. "Ash, Rotom and I are going to the school earlier, make sure you get there on time!" Kukui calls to the teen that lives with him.

"All right, later!" Ash calls to them.

Rotom's POV

"What did you even find?" Professor Kukui asks me.

"A letter." I say. I'm about to fry my circuits from curiosity.

We quickly get to the school, and go to the classroom. I sigh with relief that everyone is here.

"Alola Professor, Rotom!" The teens greet us.

"Alola." Professor Kukui greets them as well.

"Where's Ash?" Kiawe asks.

"Apparently Rotom Dex has something that concerns Ash, and that is why we are here without him." Kukui says causing the teens' to look at me with curiosity.

"What is it?" Sophocles asks.

I hold up the letter. "A letter?" Mallow says frowning.

"Yes." I reply.

"Should we even read it?" Lillie asks. "We're invading his privacy."

"Lillie's right." Kiawe agrees with her. "If Ash didn't give it to you to show us, then we shouldn't even know about it." He frowns.

"I saw something very interesting on it though!" I say opening the letter showing it to them.

I set it on the desk and although we didn't want to invade Ash's privacy, curiosity got all of us. When we all are done reading, we're shocked.

"They flirt by insulting each other?!" Mallow asks worried.

"'Smell ya later'?" Sophocles asks confused.

"What does he mean by 'something will happen'?!" Lillie asks horrified.

"Why did he put 'motherfucking'?" Lana asks quietly, and we just stare at her.

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