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All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or electronic mechanical methods, without prior written permission of the author. 

This is a work of fiction. Any names, places, characters, business, events, and incidents, are the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictional way. Any resemblance to actual people, living or passed, or actual events or places is entirely a coincidence. 

This book does deal with heavy topics (suicide, gore, sex, misogyny etc.) which would not be suitable for people under the age of thirteen. It is recommended if you are underage that you do not read this book, however, the author is not accountable for anyone underage reading this book. 

Any thoughts, opinions, or views in this work do not necessarily reflect those of the author.


Completed & Editing


February 2020, September 2020


Authors Note:
Hey, what's up you guys! Now this book has taken me a long time to write, I started it all in 2017, it's now 2020. This book took me three years to write just the first draft, currently, I am working on editing and doing the second draft which this book will be. 

Obviously this book won't be 100% perfect because I am only publishing the edited second draft, I have four more drafts to go through before it is as perfect as I can get so if you do see any minor errors either point them out to me kindly or ignore them. 

Once I have finished all the drafts, however, the completed and edited story won't be available on Wattpad and the reason for this is because this will be a properly done book and I have hopes of publishing it as an e-book or paperback, most likely through Amazon or self-publishing, but this version of the story will be the only one available for now.   

This book is my baby though. It is my first novel that I am proud of and I am happy to share it with the Wattpad community, I am really proud of this book and what it has become so I am so happy you decided to take time to read it, thank you so much, I appreciate it a lot. 

Keep in kind this book can deal with some heavy themes at times and please do not take it heart because it was never my intention to upset anyone, only to bring light to some very serious issues. I do hope you can still enjoy the story though. 

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy my first full-length novel!

- Rebecca

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