Chapter One

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Sitting in his seat, he looked out of the window. Kids rushing to school in a desperate attempt to get into their seat before their homeroom teacher got there. Birds soared as if they had no care in the world. The wind caressed their wings, letting them glide in the soft breeze. The leaves in the trees below trembled, threatening to break off from their branch and slowly drift to the floor and join their fallen brothers and sisters. The large, white, puffy clouds slowly moved across the morning sky, creating shadows on the ground. It was relatively peaceful. Katsuki's eyes slowly closed.


My nice and quiet morning is fucking gone. Thanks.

"Yo! Bakubro! You're the first one here! Special occasion?" Katsuki's shoulders become heavy due to the arm that had been draped across his shoulders.

"Get off of me, shitty hair." He shrugged his arm off of him, shooting a harsh look his way. "The hag pushed me out of the house telling me how useless I am for not trying to be a good student and go to school early. Now fuck off, spikes."

That didn't work.

The sound of a seat scraping across the tile floor made Katsuki inwardly cringe. The sound of other students entering the class, chatting loudly, did not help either. The lack of sleep has taken a toll on him over the past few weeks, making him even more irritable by the smallest of sounds, but it has gotten to the point where he just has become slightly numb to it. He could hear that Kirishima was talking to him but he could not understand what he was saying. Katsuki folded his arms on his desk and put his head down, closing his eyes once more.

He heard Kirishima leave but didn't acknowledge it. He probably got bored with you. Fuck off. He forced that thought out of his head.


I'm tired.

Heh. I'm always tired.

The door opened and Aizawa came in.

"Good morning." His voice was as uncaring as usual.

"Good morning." The class echoed.

He then explained to the class what they were going to be doing today. The class groaned, learning that today was going to be boring and they were only going to be doing book work in the form of being a punishment from being a bit too rowdy yesterday.

Perfect. I have a distraction.

He took out his book, opening to the correct page. Getting a pencil he began to work, going ahead of the class. The work was particularly easy. It was hero history so he just had to answer the questions accordingly by finding the answers in the book.

Somewhere along the way, his mind drifted. He was getting bored. Not good. He was beginning to become hyper-aware of his body. The lack of food in his stomach accompanied by the feeling in his chest made him feel like throwing up. What's this feeling? He has been feeling like this for the past few weeks. It caused him to not want to eat, making him almost too tired to fight back with his normal bite. No one had noticed it yet and he intended to keep it that way.

I don't need help.

"Bakugou!" Kaminari waved his hand in front of Katsuki's face, causing him to drop his pencil that had been still since he had zoned out and to flinch back. That pulled a chuckle out of Kaminari and a scowl from Katsuki.

"What the fuck do you want, Pikachu????" He screamed small explosions erupted from the palms of his hands.

"Whoa, there boom boom man!" He had a shit eating grin on his face. "You were just still for a really long time. Like you weren't moving at all! You were just staring at your paper. Started to scare us a little..." He backed up so he wouldn't get hit by the punch thrown his way.

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