Chapter Nineteen

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In a clearing framed with flames and trees, two forces stood. Shoes crunching the dirt under them was the only sound that could be heard in the quiet air.

Katsuki looked up, locking eyes with that of his opponents, fierce red eyes clash with electric green. Standing not too far from his "allies" he aimed his palms down to the blackened ground and let out an explosion.


"This is a test of courage. The class 1B will be hiding in the forest and you will have to go through a course we have laid out without turning back. It's important that a hero can stick it out when they get scared. We can't have you go saving someone and you run away because the villain said 'boo'. You will be put into groups of two and I will give you all a number. You will be going in that order." Aizawa talked to his students, giving them a rundown of what was going to be happening for their nighttime activities. Walking around, he paired up the students. The last ones left were Shoto and Katsuki with Kouta.

"You three are going to go first. I expect for you two to be responsible and get along." all he got was a nod in return and a small thumbs up from Kouta.

Katsuki looked at Shoto. His eyes were searching for the go-ahead. Saying that Katsuki was scared would be an understatement of the century. He was terrified. Everything is crashing down on him all at once. He had spent so much time not questioning what he was doing and if he was really ok. All that while he felt like he was nothing and pushing himself harder and harder, changing the way he responded to others, making it so he was more likable. He never stopped and thought to himself 'hey, is this ok?'. Now all he was left with was the crushing force of reality making itself painfully obvious.

Shoto gave Katsuki a small nod to assure that he wasn't going anywhere.

The three of them looked ahead of them at the dark entrance of the forest path.

Shoto squared his shoulders.

Katsuki bit his cheek.

Kouta held tightly to Katsukis hand.

Their life is going to change their life.


Walking in a dark forest would [put anyone on edge, but for the three of them, it had an entirely new meaning. Every sound, from the rustling in the wind to the dirt beneath their feet, made Katsuki feel like the world was collapsing.

When someone came out from behind a tree, white as a sheet with their entire eyes black, Katsuki let out a shrill scream.

Everyone gave him a look. It looked as if they thought he was crazy. Then the silence was broke with laughter filling the air. Class B was getting a riot out of this.

Shouto took Katsuki by the arm and led them away from the group and deeper into the forest.

KAtsuki was caught up in is head. Shaking and eyes wide, pupils blow wide in the dark trying to find their way. Images of what could happen to him tonight filled his mind.

Alphie had told him nothing. Anything could happen. He could be killed, torn to shreds and left on the ground only for his classmates to find. He could be kidnapped. After that what would happen? Would he be tortured? Enslaved, doing only what he was ordered to? Being a play toy for some old fat man with too much money? He could be forced to commit crimes he didn't want to do. He could be sold out, passed from one person to the next.

He couldn't tell he was mumbling until Shoto gave him a quick squeeze on the upper arm.

"You're scaring the kid. Everything is going to be ok. I won't let anyone hurt you." Shoto's face was emotionless but the warmth radiating from him was enough to help ease Katsukis nerves a little bit.

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