Chapter Ten

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"I already told you! I don't want to go!"

"Its for your own good! You have to! You don't have a choice. The appointment has already been set and you are going whether you like it or not."

"You fucking old hag! You really think this is going to help me?? You really think this is going to make my life less of a living hell?? Do you know how much it hurts??"

"WHAT ELSE CAN I DO??? I AM YOUR MOTHER! It hurts me so fucking much to see you, MY SON, want to die! W-when I saw the video.. When I saw you falling. You looked so dead. What happened??"

Katsuki shut up real quick. Eyes were wide, mouth agape.

"Fine.. I'll go.."

Please dont cry please don't cry please don't cry please don't cry please don't cry.

He couldn't tell if he was thinking that for himself or his mother.

She decided that the best thing to do right now it to leave before he changed his mind, shutting the door silently behind her.

Katsuki sat on the edge of his be, hands in his hair griping at the strands, head between his knees. His breathing was irregular, but at this point it might as well be considered regular.

This is not the first time. This is not the first time you have hurt her. Look at how much she loves you. Nut at what cost? A mother will do anything for their child. Anything to protect their pride and joy.

"Get out of my fucking head you damn nuisance."

0101010101010 time skip bitches 1010101010101

He was absolutely fuming.

"So from your report it says that you were experiencing these... thoughts... for quite some time. Then just recently they had begun to act up. The other day you were walking home and you had this chill and then you virtually blacked out, not remembering anything that happened till you regained consciousness at the top of a building. The wind had caused you to fall of, or that is what you say. You're very lucky young man," the lady in front of him pushed up her glasses, " if your friends had not been there at the scene of the incident, you would have surely died."

Katuski dumbly nodded and said under his breath "thats was kind of the point...".

"Now i'm not one of those type of therapists that go around saying ' now how did that make you feel' so loosen up a bit will you? It's not hard to tell that you greatly detest being here. I can't really blame you though." a small smile found its way to her face.

"There is no reason I should be here. There is no way you can help me. I don't need anyone's pity. I don't need more people looking down on me. I will figure this all out on my own." he got up, bushing his chair in and started for the door. In an instant, it felt as if a being had taken control of his body. It didn't feel like it did when he was walking on his own though. Then it felt as if someone else had been in his body. Now he was in control of his body but still somehow... not.

"Why don't you take a seat, eh Bakugou-kun?" he then walked back to his seat and sat down.

"What the fuck was that??"his face contorted with anger.

"It seems that I have forgotten to inform you about my quirk. It's somewhat like that boy Shinsous quirk, but more advanced. I don't need contact of an answer to brainwash. I only need to see them. It help when my clients try to run away, such as yourself."

"Do you really want to help me...? I don't want to be wasting my time." looking down he focused on a spot on the ground where the carpet had been torn up a bit.

"I would be terrible at my job if I did not give my best efforts to help you. But there is one problem. It seems that you don't want to help yourself. In order for me to help you, you have to be willing to help yourself and allow me to help you as well." Bakugou looked up and gave her a disbelieving look.


"Many people in your situation," He almost laughed. You don't know my situation. " have a hard time accepting the care and support people give them. They think they truly want to get better, and sometimes that is the case, but they find comfort in the constant that sadness gives them. They wrap it around them like a twisted cold blanket. They have a hard time letting that go. When it had been there for them for so long, when others left, it stayed and greeted them with open arms; making them feel like shit. So when someone comes around and responds to their cries for help, they freeze up, not knowing what to do,"

"In addition to getting the guidance from others they also have to find acceptance within themself. They give you the tools to get better, it's your job to use them." after she finished her little speech, she leaned back in her chair.

Bakugou could only sit and stare. He had never been told that before. He had always thought that getting help from others was a sign of weakness. He never knew that it took more than just him to fix his problems.

"I will leave you with this before you go; not every story has a happy ending."

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