Chapter Eighteen

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The dinner was really good. Well, it was really good for a bunch of teenagers cooking. Kouta sat next to Katsuki. He shoveled food into his mouth. He was starving because he and Katsuki had forgotten to eat lunch. They were too distracted by playing around.

Shoto shit glances at Katsuki the entire time they ate which did not go unnoticed. While Katsuki either didn't notice or didn't care that he was being watched, Kouta did. He gave the older boy dirty looks and mean faces. The half cold half hot boy did not feel offended though, just a little confused.

When they finished eating they put all of the dishes in one place. Class 1-B would wash the dishes tonight and class 1-A would wash them the next.

Katsuki felt a little tug at his pant leg. He looked down to find Kouta looking up at him with big eyes.

"Can we ask if I can go tonight now?" while his voice was even, it was evident that the little boy was scared. But that's fair. Katsukis teacher can be kinda scary.

"Yeah sure."

They had to search around for a little to find him. He was found propped against a wall, inside of his sleeping bag. He had been there for who knows how long watching the students.

"Sir?" Aizawa looked up at Katsuki.

"What is it?"

Katsuki looked at Kouta, prompting him to talk and ask on his own.

"U-um.. well, I heard that your students are going to play a game tonight and I was wondering if it was ok if I can play as well? With Bakukun?" Kouta held tight to Katsukis pants.

Aizawa Spoke without thinking. "No-," He stopped midway from what he was going to say. He looked into Koutoas watery eyes and flashback to what his Aunt said.

"His parents died in the line of work. His view of heroes has never been the same."

He let out a big sigh and nodded his head slowly.

"I guess... that would be ok. But you need to have someone else with you." the tired teacher Looked around to find someone who can go with them.

While he didn't like the idea of the boy being with him, this might be the turning point in the little boy's life to find out that heroes are not that bad. And even though Katsuki may be a potential threat to others and himself, Kouta seems to trust him.

He looked at Mina. Not a good choice. She would be too loud and energetic. While the rudeness from the 2 boys would not get to her, her energy would wear them out too quickly.

Tokoyami passed them. Maybe. He was quiet and respectful. But maybe his dark aura would scare Kouta.

Then his eyes landed on Shoto. While he did notice that Kouta didn't like him very much, he seemed to be the only person that Katsuki would talk to. He had caught Shoto looking at Katsuki on multiple occasions. It was like he was watching over him. They must have talked. Maybe Shoto knows something that no one else knows.

"I guess he will have to do."

"What was that sir?"

"Todoroki will be with you," he caught how Katsuki took in a sharp breath and Kouta's eyes widened.

"But-!" Kouta began.

"If you want to participate then you have to listen." that shut up Kouta real quick.

Katsuki noticed how tense the boy was and tried to divert his attention elsewhere.

"Let's go tell your Auntie ok?" Katsuki took Koutas hand from his pants and held it in his own.

"Yeah... Sure! She is gonna be so proud!"


"Soon. It's going to happen soon. Take the boy with you. He will become useful."

"Where am I going? What is going to happen? You have been too secretive lately. Actually, scratch that. You were always secretive."

Katsuki and Alphie sat on a bridge in his mind. Dark water flowed beneath them. Alphie's legs swang back and forth as he hummed lightly.

"There are just some things that you are not ready to know yet. All good things come with time. Curiosity killed the cat, they say." Alphie spoke in a smug like tone.

"There is a second part to that saying, asshole. Curiosity killed the cat but knowing brought it back. I want you to tell me what's really going on! People have been saying that there is something wrong with me-"


Katsuki paid no mind to Alphie trying to butt in. "Have you been lying to me? First, you make me hate myself and then you tell me I am meant for something?? The hell? I knew something was off but I couldn't put my finger on it. I didn't question you enough! I used to want to be a hero! I wanted to help people! But now I can't even help myself. What did you do to me?!"

"I only helped you realize what has been in front of you the entire time. You are not cut out to be a hero. You never were and ever will be. Everyone saw it. Everyone saw it but you. You thought you could do what you want because everyone is too scared to tell you no. your teachers said you were going to be something great. They were lying. Tonight, they are coming to save you. To help you be what you were meant to be. No more false thoughts of becoming a hero and saving people. They will come and show you who you were meant to be and you will not question them. You will go with no trouble at all. You will not fight back. You will not hurt them. You will not hurt yourself. You will follow what they say. You will bring the boy and raise him to become like you. You will do as I say until I am gone."


Katsuki was snapped out of his thoughts with a harsh pat on the back. He turned only to be met with mismatched eyes.

"You ok? You have been staring into the sky for a long time. It's starting to get dark and Aizawa told me to get you." Shoto's hand was still on the other boy's shoulder, warm and comforting.

Katsuki looked into the eyes of the taller teen. Suddenly he felt his eyes begin to burn. His face grew hot and his breath shuddered.

"I'm scared. Y-you said you would keep me from doing something bad... right?," Shoto nodded. "If... if you can't stop me... can you come with me?" tears burned as they ran down his cheeks. He fisted the front of Shoto's shirt with trembling hands and looked at him with pleading eyes.

"What do you mean? Where are you going?" the hot and cold boy took Katsukis hands in his own.

"I-I don't know... he won't tell me. And I'm scared. He won't tell me a lot of things. He is putting a lot of responsibility on me and I don't know what I'm going to do... I... I don't think I should say it. He will know but... Can you come with me? To... help me." Katsuki looked deeply into Shoto's eyes, hoping that he got his message across.

He couldn't hold himself back. He enveloped him into a strong, hopefully, comforting hug.


It was only one word

But it meant so much.

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