Chapter Eight

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Silent. Everything was silent, save for a low drumming in rhythmic time with his heartbeat.

Katsuki stood by himself in the dark room. Was it a room? Where was he? Looking around, he searched for any clue as to where he was. Looking for an indicator. Looking for a way out.

"Hey!" Katsuki yelled into the void. The only response he had gotten was the echo of his words.

"Shit. I don't know where I am. All I remember is that I was leaving school, going home. Then this.. This feeling came over me and I started to walk on my own." Katsuki looked at his hands as he talked, thinking over what had happened before he got into this black void.

"Then you walked onto the top of a tall tall building, walking slowly, so slowly to the edge. The way out was so close! Embracing the feeling of the darkness inside of you, the darkness I put there. The off you go. Falling falling falling. You would have gotten out if your friends hadn't saved you. Yet here you are, alive and well. Well you would be feeling alive if I was not here making your life a living hell." A small child stood in front of Katsuki. He stood about to Katsukis shoulders, hair a dark black that brushed against his shoulders with shining green eyes that seemed to glow in the dark void that had surrounded them. Pale white skin and pink lips. He looked up at Katsuki.

"Who the f-"

"Do you know who I am? Where we are? I can give you all of these answers if you want." a small, seemingly innocent smile adorned the small boys lips.

Katsuki looked at the boy with wide questioning eyes. "Tell me. Tell me what the fuck is going on."

The little child's shoulders shook as he laughed. "Were you scared? When you were about to end your pitiful life?" a wicked smile and crazed eyes covered his face. " My name is Alphie, I am in your head. I am the product of a very powerful quirk that implants me," he gestured to himself " into my victims head. I pick them apart, piece by horrid little piece. I show them what they really are. Horrible little fuckers that think they have what it takes to become a hero. They never do, you're no exception. This place? This is your mind. You're currently in a coma. The doctors had to put you under because you kept trying to blow them up. Do you know who helped you? Do you even want to know who helped you? You would probably beat them up and scare them off. You do that with everyone. That's why no one likes you. That's why you will forever be alone, thinking to yourself 'why the fuck am I such a horrid person?' and you will be sitting in the corner of your shower thinking of ways to kill yourse-"

"Shut up!! I get it! Who the fuck put you in me and when. It has made my life a living hell. I want to blow their shitty little ass into a billion pitiful pieces."

"I cannot give you that information." the child stepped a little closer and grabbed Katsukis wrist firmly. The grasp was to get attention and not to hurt, however, the hand felt icy. So cold that it felt as if there were millions of microscopic needles piercing his skin all at once. It was shocking to say the least.

Without warning, the younger began to drag the older without saying a word. The green orbs looked focused, as if he was on a mission. But what kind of mission? A mission to fuck up his life perhaps? Maybe to make the world a better place? Possibly just or fuck up everything he ever cared for.

"You're thinking too loud, shut the fuck up." the grip on his wrist tightened, making him squirm uncomfortably. Trying to yank his arm away only made it hurt more so he thought it would be better to just go along with what he wanted.

Walk was long but his legs didn't feel tired. The only thing he could feel was the the hand on his wrist and it's cold touch. It almost made him feel like this was all real.

"Where are you taking me?" he spoke in a small soft voice, as if the silence would attack him once he broke it.

They stopped and the boy looked at Katsuki, eyes almost looked apologetic. Suddenly he was falling.

-0-0-0-0-Im a bad author have fun guys-0-0-00-0

He did not wake up slowly, eyes opening up gradually, no. He woke up with a start, sucking in deep breaths of air as if he had been deprived for years. Looking around frantically for the little boy that had somehow been the center of what had thrown his like into a barrell and shook it up, threw it off a cliff, flow in a river then down a waterfall. In his search for the little devil, he saw three figures on the far side of the room. They identified as his mother, Deku, and Shoto.

Apparently the quick movements he made alerted one of the three, as they were the only one awake. Bi colored eyes stared into his crimson ones, wide, as if they had seen a ghost, or a demon.

"You're awake." slow words broke the silence that filled the hospital room.

"No shit sherlock." Katsuki sighed.

They sat in awkward silence, save for the beeping of the machine next to the bed, breathing in the sterile air.

"Why?" Shoto refused to look up, watery eyes fixed on his shoes. " Why did you do it?"

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