Chapter Nine

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Katsukis eyes were wide in shock from the sudden question.

He wanted to say a lot of things. He wanted to tell him about the little boy he saw in his head. He wanted to tell him how he lost control of his body. He wanted to tell him that he was scared.

"I... dont know."

That's it. Tell no one.

"I-I... I .." tears pricked at the corners of his eyes. He wanted so desperately to tell the duel quirked boy. A burning feeling filled his chest, as if he was drowning from the inside. It was preventing him from saying what he really wanted to say.

"You don't have an explanation? You can't explain why you decided not to take my help and throw yourself off a building. Because the world would be so much better without you right? Everyone would be happy right?? I thought you wanted to help people! I thought you wanted to be a hero!" Shotos outburst caused Izuku and Mitsuki to wake up. The teen got up and stormed out of the room. He was angry. Angry that he even tried to do that.

"Oh my! Katsuki you're up!" his mom rushed to his side, holding his hand.

"Kacchan, we were so worried! They had to put you under because you kept trying to kill the doctors." Izuku went to the other side of the hospital bed. Tears were in both his former best friend and mothers eyes.

"I-I'm sorry?" he said receiving a smack across the head.

"That's not a question! You better be sorry!"

101010101010 time skip because i'm bad at transitioning ok guys im so sorry 10101010101

By the time he had gotten home, news of his attempt had made the news, clips flooded the internet.

Everyone knows how much of a trouble child you are. Think about how the public will see you. How they will see UA. One of their top students throwing themself off of the top of a fucking building.

101010 uwu we somewhere else now spooky 101010

Shigaraki sat on a bar stool, hunched over a laptop, scrolling through video after video. He was almost doing it obsessively. As if he was trying to find the perfect video, that captures all of it.

"Yes.. it seems he has done a good job... now all we need to do is--"

"Hey! Handyman. What the hell are you doing talking to yourself. And whatcha watching? Porn?" Dabi looked over Shigaraki's shoulder. Shigaraki frowned deeply.

"I was just looking at our progress. Our little friend seems to have delivered. Looks like we broke one of the most explosive kids at UA." he moved out of the way to let Dabi see the video.

"Seems that we have. Are you sure we want to recruit him? He has such a bad temper, he listens to almost no one."

"But that's the point! When he is finally force to listen to someone he will see how the world really is. It will send him down crashing harder than anything else." Shigaraki had a nasty smile on his face.

Dabi didn't say anything, he only looked over at the creep sceptically.

"When are we going to get this little cutie??" Toga butted in enthusiastically, bouncing on the balls of her feet.

"When the time is right. Rushing it will only make us further from accomplishing our goal" Dabi raked his fingers through his own hair. The way he had said the words left no word for argument. He knew what he was doing. That didn't stop Shigaraki from trying to protest. He said things like "you're not the leader" and "you can't tell me what to do." Dabi didn't react to it though. He just gave him a look that told him to shut up.

"Fine." Shigaraki punched Dabi in the shoulder but the other didn't even flinch. Toga accidently went over to the computer and looked through the videos, savoring every second of it.

"He looks really pretty when he is scared! I want to see that more. I want to see how he tries to put on that brave face, sweating bullets. He can try to smile but he will always end up crying in the end. He throws fits like a child. So cute!" sitting on the chair, she rocked back and forth. Each time it looked like she would fall but she somehow stayed upright. All the while she went on with her little fangirling, the two men had been fighting. Kurogiri pulled the two apart before they killed each other, or worse, destroyed his bar.. Again. Such a pain in the ass.

"Get ahold of yourself! You're not 4! If you don't calm down right now, god so help me I will put you both in time out." that sure shut them up. His form of time out is almost indescribable. It would put the most strict of mothers to shame.

Now with the room nice and quiet, Kurogiri had to think of a plan. What Dabi had said was true, if we were to go right in without waiting things would go horribly wrong in many many ways.

10101010 yo yo yo back at it again with changing places 10101010

Katsuki was told that he was able to stay home from school for some time to "recover". There was no way he could recover.. Was there? 

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