Sadly, we only can share our sorrows!

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Akira's pov

What is wrong with me!?!
Why did I have to open my mouth infront of Mr Rathore!
I have to maintain a distance with him! The way he looked at me at the party and later today....i couldn't stop myself from this stupid advice of mine. I don't know what inclines me towards him......may be I am just thinking too much!


Now, what's done is done!
I just wanted to pack our bags and that the engagement is over! But Smriti and her taayi maa sa had ordered us to leave with them, or tomorrow. So, I have to wait till this night gets over! Phew!

I think, I need to make few calls at the studio. They were expecting me today itself.

I walked out of my suite and called my assistant.....she sounded panicked. I asked to relax. She updated me with the upcoming deadlines and commitments had we had.
And Oh Boy!
I really have to rush before all the orders go out of hands.
I was walking aimlessly, talking on the phone, suddenly I saw a dim light coming of a very isolated part of palace. I had not been to this part of the palace with Smriti or any other staff.

Did you know, Curiosity killed the cat! And I guess, I am that cat right now!

I saw a huge door with this big golden bolts and it was ajar....I knocked and peeped inside. The sight infront of me was depressing!

What was Mr. Rathore doing here, in this isolated part of Palace. He seemed full drunk. For a moment I thought, I should turn away but the way he was passed out on the Mahagony sofa, I had to help him.

What is with him and drinking, anyways! Why this man was so full of himself that, he couldn't attend to his priorities!!!
Hey Aki! Stop being so judgemental! He might have his own reasons.!

Yeah! Whatever!!!!

He was mumbling something, and I couldn't hear a thing!
He tried looking at me, as if to recognise....but the alcohol....Damn!
He obviously could not!

This is why, I hated drunkards so much!

I extended my hand towards him to hold and get up. But he couldn't seem to understand. He looked onto my face a little bit longer for some reasons, frowning and I could care less!
I thought to call Smriti but decided against it. Poor thing had already been through so much because of this man! So, I shook him at his shoulder and he came out of his la la land. I asked him to take my hand and get up.

Oh! It's you! Why do you have to appear now, afterall I have been through.! Han? - He asked in a low voice

I could not understand I said - Hey! Listen, it's no time to talk, ok! Come, let's get you to your suite. It would not look nice, if you again created a new scandal.
Here, take my hand!

How can I! Akira, how can I, now!?! - He retorted

Woah! He does remember my name! And what is with these blabbering? What is his problem, Han!

Do you want me to call Smriti at this hour to get you?
Now, I don't have entire night for this, please!
Let's go! - I said in annoyance

You never have time for me!?! Why? Even, that time also, you had left me...just like that...without a word! Why Akira!?! - He asked with pain evident in his voice

I put my hand on his shoulder and said - Listen, we will talk about it later Mr Rathore. First we have to get out of here!

He jerked my hands roughly and said - No! I want my answers now!

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