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Hello guys,
Here is the new update!
A lot of on the way....!

Let's see how Vikram and Akira will deal with the Troubles.

Will they give upon each other?
Or will come over all the trouble and lead their Happily Ever After?

Akira's pov

Akira's pov

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Argh....Why do I feel so much pain in my head.?

I tried to open my eyes and my head hurt like someone had kept a mountain over it.

I blinked my eyes a few times and finally was able to take a look at my surroundings.

But this is not Rathore Bhavan...!

In an old...tattered....dark room!

Where am I??

How did I reach here....i peeked outside the room....through the windows...but it was an isolated area...i uad no idea where this place is!

And many Gunmen were guarding the area!

O Shoot!!!!

Those horrible incidences began to replay.

Th...Those...Goons....oh my...oh my God!!!!


Where.... Kids???

Are they Safe???

Am I kidnapped!?!

What are they doing to my kids???

Tears started to brim....and negative thoughts clouded my head.

I remember what happened when the last time I was awake.

Flash Back

I was waiting for Vikram to take us to shopping.... In fact I was looking forward to shop some local handicrafts!

But, he didn't turn up!

I messaged him after a while as Vikram still had not come back from his meeting was then, he texted that he had something very important to deal with, he had messaged.

Sorry Wifey, but something urgent needs my attention!
I might be Late!
Miss me!

Eh, Cheesy Much!

We all waited...But now it's about 8 pm.... Even kids were missing him...but I told them to not to think too much... Daddy will be back soon.

I put them into bed and headed to take a shower. I was almost done with my thing... When I heard commotion...

And then I heard gun fires... And shoutings and yelling.

I quickly ran to check on kids when I saw two bulky goons carrying my babies... I struggled... Called for help... But nothing helpful came.

Finding Love Again...!!!! (Complete) Where stories live. Discover now