Which Ways To Choose

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Akira's pov

How dare he!??!
How fucking dare he utter those words to my son?
How could he play with my son's emotion!
He is nobody in our lives.... And I will show him!
He has to know his limits... I was quite ll this while because I did not want to hurt my son... But now enough is enough!
He deserves a lesson! He can not just play with my son like this!

I paced back and forth in the passage impatiently waiting for that hell of a person who just created a hurricane in our lives!

After waiting for what appeared to be a lifetime....Vikram came towards me with an emotionless face. I could not read his mind..... And I hated it!

All his words started to ring into my ears.. This time... With much intensity... And my blood boiled!

I took fast steps towards him and pushed with hard with all my strength... And he stumbled back probably because he did not expect my sudden push.

He looked at me stunned.... Good for him!

What was that for? - asked he, balancing him

I spat - Well, that's what one gets if they play with my son! And how dare you utter those words Mr. Rathore? For once...I thought you were sensitive....you were different from the rest, But you are a sick person...just like every other man...Who knows nothing about emotions!

He said - what did I do? If you mean that whatever I said there.. In front of my son... I.. Am telling you....

Stop right there you heartless jerk! - I pushed him again
He is not your son..... And stop calling yourself his father.....we don't need your pity.... I can take care of my son very well.
You have no rights to talk to my son like that!
And what on earth were you thinking?

Who gave you the rights to claim him like that?

I am warning you Mr Rathore! Stay in your limits!

Stop interfering in others lives! And especially mine!

I did not know that I was pushing him with my palm fist....and he was stepping back with each punch....but how could I care....

Who are you! Han!

Listen... Ak.... He began to speak.

Don't you dare, you monster! Don't utter  a word! You know, I thought all this while that may be... May be you had a little humanity in you....may be you have been troubled in your past, like us...But you proved me wrong! Coz if you were...you would have thought before acting like a pig. How could you be so stone hearted.... How could you play with my son...!?!
How could you play with his fragile heart!
Now I get it, This is what you do! This is what you wanted, right! Is this your plan to get to me through my son? Or you want a nanny for your daughter? Or, did you think that I will claim your daughter as mine? What were thinking, han!?!
Just to satisfy your selfish ego.... You decided to play with my son!
Why do you keep playing with people around you! Do you think you can decide for what you want for others!

Listen carefully you jerk, my son doesn't need a father! And definitely not one like you!

Oh! How naive I am! Probably you were planning all this... All your emotional drama back then was all a part of your dirty mind! Isn't it?

In fact I just realised....because of this controlling persona of yours, you wife must have left you, feeling suffocated! Thank goodness, she is saved!

After all, what can we expect from  selfish prick like you, who is just so full of himself.!

Enough! He yelled and pushed my hands to my back with such  a strong force that I am sure it will leave marks.
I tried to free myself from his grip, gosh I could not breath in front of him! I hated him!
All my efforts were useless in front of that jerk. He was furious and his eyes we're red.... He tried to intimidate me.. But I knew this is now or never situation.. I can not be a fragile self in front of him. I have to fight my demons!

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