Match Making

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Akira's pov

So!?! - asked Smriti

So, what!?! - I said

What happened Akira! How did you find him in this state?
I haven't seen him this drunk in a long time. I wonder, What must have triggered him! - she said

I replied - Like Really!!!! Out of everyone, Smriti, you are asking me this!!!
You guys are unbelievable!!!!!
All of this is happening because of you guys and your stupid wishes.
You tried to set us up!?!
How could you think like that Smriti? Don't you know, he is going through a depressing past. He is trying, Smriti. You guys have no idea, ask me, how hard it is to overcome a bitter past. And you guys putting pressure on him is not going to help. Only, time can heal him.
I know, you guys want his best Smriti, but please stop being selfish for sometime and give him some space. I saw him, breaking down today infront of me and believe me I would not even want my enemies to suffer like that. I have come to be at peace with my past, may be because my family never forced me into remarriage. I was fortunate.
But you! How could you think that we could be together? How long have you been known me? You have any idea, how dreadful my past was....! But I fought it for my baby, my family. I had to! Somehow, We girls have a stronger heart Smriti.
But with your brother, I must say, he has absolutely nobody to share his sorrows with ...may be it's the male ego, that is stopping him to open up. But nevertheless, this does not give you the rights to blackmail us like this.
I expected better than this from you Smriti.
You disappointed me! - I spoke my mind

Smriti said - Akira! We want best for you guys! And no I am not being selfish, I saw you guys together...I could tell, you two will be a complete family, may be more.
Have you thought about the kids, they love each other's company. And they long for both mom and dad.
And may be They already have seen their mom and dad in you guys!
You say, I am being selfish and not giving space to Bhai me, if you two can't see the longing in those innocent kids, you guys would be the most selfish!
I know what you two went through in the past is horrible but you guys can not go on like this for your life.
You accused me that I am letting him overcome his past .....I have seen him suffer....he is living but already dead...had it not been about Kiyara...he would have been lost. I have been there for every single moment of his misery ...but he has to understand, I am getting married now...I can't be with him..or Kiyara.
How would he survive then!?!

It's fine, if you don't want to marry may have reasons....and I won't force you...but I know what I am doing!
And I will not give up on him, ever!

I really consider you as my family now please take this advice from
Me and think of getting settled again, atleast for your son.

Now, I will go check in Bhai! You also take some rest. We have to start our journey soon in the morning.

With that she left me thinking. Am I not able to see the longing in my son. Is he missing out on his father.?
But then, moving on is not possible for me! Not after the torturous past experience.
You wouldn't understand Smriti! You don't know, What you are asking for!

I sighed and looked ahead to see the sun about to shine. And I left to my suite.

We all sat on the dinning table and we're having breakfast. Mr. Rathore was also there ..I don't how he managed to get ready this early even after being passout for almost whole night.
Anyways, suddenly Tayi Maa sa asked me to come to her study after the breakfast. I nodded.

Later, I reached her study, only to find her looking intently on the family pictures placed neatly on the walls.
Without turning her back she said - Come In Akira! I don't like to beat around the I will come straight to the point.
Smriti told me what happened last night. Thank you for helping Vikram.
Also, she told me how you denied to marry Vikram. I won't ask you for reasons but I would tell you that my Vikram has always been deprived of true love. Yes he married but it made him miserable. He was very unlucky to find a selfish and stubborn girl as his life partner. I was not happy with his choice, I even warned him but all went into deaf ears. Anyways, even I thought that you two would be perfect for eachother. However, we can not force you.
So, i want you to do me a favour.
She seemed very serious.

What is it, Tayi Maa sa? - I asked her gulping down the lump

If you won't marry again, i want you to convince Vikram to remarry.
He needs a woman in his life.
He deserves happiness!
Anyways you would be in touch with us, since you will be designing the wedding costumes as well. I want you to talk to Vikram and convince him to remarry. I am sure you can identify with his situation.

How is this possible Tayi Maa? We don't even know eachother that well. And why would he listen to me? - I asked shocked

That's because he knows, you are in the same situation. And Smriti told me, how he listened to you last night. We all are trying our best to make him understand the need of a woman in his life for his princess's sake. Please help us!
I have a faith, you can do it! Atleast give it a try.!

Great! Just Great! Now, I have to become a match maker! Why did I even bother to help him.!
What should I do now!?!

So guys! Here is a new update. Hope you all will enjoy. Please vote for my story guys! See you soon!

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