The Face Off

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Hello lovely readers!!

I can not express in words how over whelmed I ma feeling right now, we crossed 15k reads!

Ranked no 1 for #loveatsecondchance
4 at #remarriage
30 at #kids

Thnk you all for giving your time and love to this story!!!

Now, let's begin with the chapter.

Akira's pov

Beautiful scented breezes from our balcony garden woke me up and brought  instant freshness to my mind.

My eyes found the person sleeping beside husband....and suddenly I felt shy remembering the kiss we shared...but i feel blessed to have this person as my companion!

How genuinely, he confessed that he is not letting me go for anything!

And I was melting with every passing day! His love and selfless caring is so powerful and pious that the walls I created around my heart is collapsing!

And that kiss, gosh!
How did I loose it!!!

But how could I ignore the tingles it gave me... I had to respond!
And he very well knew that he had me but thankfully he didn't tease me!

In fact he was concerned if I regretted our kiss!

But I didn't, and that's what the truth is!

Now, looking at his beautiful person who has securely caged me in his arms, I am feeling like a teenager, Who is getting hella affected by this man!

My fingers on its own accord, moved to touch his features, and dare I say, I am feeling attracted to him with each passing day!

And why not, he is really handsome and with a heart of gold!
How can I not accept him?

So, I have decided to give him a chance, give us a chance as a couple!

And for his ex, I will see to her!
She can not play with us like that!

And definitely not with my kids!

I am going to give her a lesson, she will remember for her entire life!

You must be wondering, why am I talking about his ex suddenly and how she is playing with our kids!

Well, let me tell you!

Flash Back

Last night, I went to check on kiyara, she has been very strange around me. she was not her usual self!

So, I wanted to talk to her like a true mother.

I reached their room and found kiyara missing from her bed!
I looked here n there and I found her sitting out side room, in their balcony!!!

She was crying!!!
My baby girl was crying!!!
But why!?!

I had to find out!
I went to her and touched her head lovingly, but she stiffened!

I spoke - What is it baby girl??
What are you doing here??

She jerked my hand away and said - So what??
Are you going to punish me because I am not into my bed?

Why would I punish You princess for such a thing? - I asked

Because, you are my step mother!
And step mothers are evil!
They hit other's kids! - she spoke

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