Y/n= Your name
F/c= Favorite Color
S/f/c= Second Favorite Color
S/c= Shirt Colors
E/c= Eye Color
Y/n's POV
I still can't believe that Toriel would do something like that. She barely knows me... Yet she fixed up one of my very few pieces of clothing and is fixing the other piece. AND ON HER DAY NO LESS! My mother wouldn't have done that ever. She's ruined countless pieces of my clothing. MY clothes that I bought with MY own money. I heard the door open to the room I was currently staying in. I look in the doorway and see the cutest thing! It was Frisk and she was holding two snuggle pillows one was blue with purple arms and legs and the other was (f/c) with (s/f/c) arms and legs. She handed the second one to me and looked away blushing slightly. "Mom made these for us a little bit ago. She really is fast with these things but still manages to make them look adorable huh?"
"Yeah adorable." I said feeling my own face heat up. "H- hey uh... You wanna do something? It's still really early and I'm not in the least bit tired." That was a lie, I am tired. I just don't want to leave her presence yet...
"Well we could talk until you do feel tired." I nodded. "So uh... I wanna thank you for helping me with that gift for Mom. She really enjoyed that it came from both of us!" Frisk said.
"Oh of course! It was really fun!" I though for a second feeling like I missed something. Hey by the way, who's Sans?"
"You gave something to Miss Toriel and said it was from Sans."
"Oh! Well he's a really good friend of mine, we can go see him tomorrow if you like. Then you can meet him and his brother Papyrus!" She exclaimed as my heart sank a little. How good of a friend exactly?
"Sure that sounds fun!" I mean I don't want to upset the cute girl sitting across from me so I'll put aside my own thoughts. Besides...Maybe it's not even like that! Even if it is I still wanna be her friend... I let out a huge yawn. Yup my tiredness is finally catching up to me...
"Oh if you're ready to go to sleep I can-" I caught her by the hand as she was walking out.
"No please... I-I uh..." I tried to think of something to say to keep her here.
"I can stay with you if you want me to." She smiled. I nodded with my heart pounding. As I was falling out of consciousness I felt a small hand patting my hair. "Pat pat." She said quietly as I let darkness take over my mind.
Frisk's POV
She's really cute while she's sleeping. I smiled to myself as I continued petting her hair. 'Yeah you're right Frisky! Shame she has to die.' What are you talking about?! 'She interferes with our plans! She must be eliminated. Just like everyone else down here! You know I'm right!' No! you're not! Nobody has to die. 'Getting emotional isn't going to mask the truth Frisk. You weren't meant for friends like me. You're just like me!' "I AM NOT!" I gasped. I didn't mean to yell... I looked over to see if (Y/n) was still sleeping. She was. But she seemed distressed... Is she having a nightmare?
"LET ME GO!!!" She's screaming!
Y/n's POV
"Let me GO!!!" I screamed as loud as I could for the people around to help. They didn't... They all just stared...
"Shut the fuck up before I slam your head into the ground and make you!" My mother was dragging me by my hair. We weren't in any specific location but her words still scared me. I stopped screaming and started to sob. Why is no one helping me...
"God shut up you crybaby! You're so stupid." My father stood in front of me. My eyes widened as one of my tears hit his shoes. Oh no... "You little bitch you're gonna ruin my shoes!" He screamed swinging at me. I was now on the ground in a puddle of my tears and my blood.
"I THOUGHT I GOT AWAY FROM YOU!!!" I screamed. Then I felt a sharp pain go down the top part of my arm and felt the liquid pouring out. The pain happened over and over again in different parts of my body. "PLEASE JUST STOP! LEAVE ME ALONE!" Just a waste of space. A stupid girl. Should have left her at the hospital. Their insults played through my brain over and over again. I tried to scream over them but sound stopped escaping my throat after a while.
"LEAVE ME ALONE!" I jumped out of bed. Just then I was pulled into a tight embrace.
"I thought you were being hurt. I thought you wouldn't wake. I tried to wake you but nothing I did worked and I was just so worried that you would be stuck in that horrible dream forever and I couldn't do a thing to help you I-...(Y/n)?" I said nothing. All I did was hug her back and cry as hard as I could. Frisk... I'm so sorry... Thank you so much for being here.

Frisk x Reader
FanfictionThe year is 20XX. A human has fallen from the surface world! She was running from her abusive home when she made it to Mt. Ebott. However, when she looked behind her to see if she was followed, she forgot to stop running. Needless to say she tripped...