A Happy Ending..?

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Y/n= Your name

F/c= Favorite Color

S/f/c= Second Favorite Color

S/c= Shirt Colors

E/c= Eye Color

H/l= Hair Length

Y/n's POV

"Y-you killed them..." I said. I couldn't help it but I felt the tears stinging my eyes. They're gone... they're finally... gone... I let gravity take over for a second as I dropped to my knees letting the tears fall.

"Uh... Look kid... I'm sorry this is how it turned out. But I wasn't about to let those two hurt you." Sans said trying to comfort me. I started to snicker and then ended up laughing entirely.

"Hahahaha you think I'm sad over this?" I asked holding my stomach with tears still rolling. "I'm just so glad to finally be free!" I threw my arms around him and sobbed joyously while he hugged back confusedly.

"Asriel...?" Came a voice from behind us. It was Toriel. Does she know Flowey? "Asriel... Is that really you?" She said approaching the little flower.

"M-mom..." he chocked as Toriel got down to his level.

"My son!" She squeezed him ever so delicately so at to not to break him. "We- h-ho-how how did you get like this?!"

"It's a long story..." he wilted a bit at the memories.

"I-I-I would b-be a-a-able for f-fill you I-in, my queen..." Alphys shied away. "B-b-but perhaps later..?" Toriel nodded not leaving Flowey's side.

I felt a pair of arms around my waist and look to find the source. Of course it was Frisk so I turned around and gave her a peck on the cheek. She smiled and tensed a bit. I figured out why when I looked in the direction of her wary gaze to find Undyne. We exchange understanding glances and nods. It seems like the perfect ending! I'm underground with many people who I care about and care for me! I have a girlfriend and a new dad that won't use me to take out his problems. I won't ever have to worry about my birth parents again! It seems perfect to me!

Frisk's POV

I stared into those beautiful (e/c) eyes as they glistened in the moonlight shining down from the hole we both fell from. I brushed a strand of (h/c) hair from her face and returned her peck with a kiss on the lips, short but sweet. She smiled in contentment. All seems peaceful. 'Does it now? Shall I help with that?' Oh no not now! Go away! Can't you just let me have this?! 'You're the one who wanted something different.' Shut up... 'That's right Frisky, you asked for this! Now you're stuck with me. I'm not going anywhere. It's only a matter of time before the plan is set into motion.' Fuck your plans... 'W H A T?! W H A T D I D Y O U S A Y T O M E ? !' I said F U C K Y O U R P L A N S!
"FRISK!" I felt my shoulders being shaken. I don't know when but I must have passed out. (Y/n) was frantic and I could tell she's been here a while trying to wake me up. "Frisk! Are you okay?! You fainted and didn't wake up for a good 15 minutes!"

"Actually, (Y/n), I'm fine." Wait... that's not what I was going to say... "I've never felt better!" What? Why can't I talk to her? I want to tell her about... oh no... C H A R A...

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