Bone Daddy to the Rescue...

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Y/n= Your name

F/c= Favorite Color

S/f/c= Second Favorite Color

S/c= Shirt Colors

E/c= Eye Color

H/l= Hair Length

H/c= Hair Color

Dream Frisk's POV

"GO!" I screamed. "I don't wanna LOVE you, (Y/n) Go, or I may end up hurting you." I could see the tears threatening her eyes once I said that... "I love you, (Y/n)" I whispered right before a wall of vines separated us. Flowey... Asriel...

Sans's POV

"AHHH" I heard a scream coming from downstairs. I jumped up from bed and rushed down. I felt my magic welling up inside. Whoever's hurting my little girl is gonna have a bad time... When I finally got to her she was flailing around and screaming. "HELP!!!" She screamed once more. I couldn't take seeing her in such pain anymore. I grabbed ahold of her hand and said her name.

"(Y/n)" Nothing happened. "(Y/n)!" I said a little louder. She stayed in the same state. "(Y/N)!" I shouted. No change. I began to panic trying to think of how I can help her. I decided to enter her dream and pull her out that way. I felt my eye glowing as I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep still holding her hand.

I instantly saw (Y/n) struggling to get out of vines and two other humans who were beating her nearly to death. I was pissed. I sent my gaster blasters after them and when every attack went through them it hit (Y/n). I need to get her out of here... I went to find the source of the vines and get rid of it. After a bit of traveling I found it. Or should I say him... Flowey heard me approaching and turned around. I jumped to the side as a thorny vine headed toward me. "You IDIOT!!!" I dodged about five more attacks before returning one. I have to make this quick otherwise (Y/n) isn't going to survive this nightmare... "Do you really think there is room for one more human down here?" He launched another vine and I split it in half. "She is just going to bring more along with her."

"What are you talking about?" I asked ready to finish this plant once and for all.

"Think about it, Sans. (Y/n's) parents were out of their minds! They are going to want their little punching bag back and when they come for her they'll bring reinforcements."

"You're lying. That's not why you're doing this."

"You don't know what you're talking about."

"You're just trying to get rid of (Y/n) because you want Frisk to yourself."

"SHUT UP!" I have had enough of this I send everything I have down on him until he was nothing but a pile of petals. I know he's not gone. That was just his dream persona. I found (Y/n) unconscious and free from the vines. I scooped her up and left the dream realm.

Y/n's POV

I woke up gasping and coughing trying to get the air back into my lungs. Sans put a hand on my chest and it began to glow. Instantly all of my bruises began to disappear and I could breathe again. He then hunched over himself panting. He looks like he just ran a marathon...

"Kiddo... *huff* We gotta...*huff puff* We gotta talk..."

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