Y/n= Your name
F/c= Favorite Color
S/f/c= Second Favorite Color
S/c= Shirt Colors
E/c= Eye Color
Y/n's POV
I have to keep going! I can't let them catch me! I can't go back... Come on Y/n think! "A mountain!" I gasped. I kept running and running. I thought I heard something from behind me so I whipped my head around only to trip on a log. But, I never stopped falling... Why am I still falling? Welp, the further I fall the farther I get from... Them... I finally ended up hitting the ground. "Ow..." That really...hurt..."
"What was that?" I heard just before I...
Time skip brought to you by Sans...Saying Puns...
I woke up in a darkened room. I sat up realizing I was in a bed. No... No I got away! There's no way! I got away! I ran, I remember! It wasn't a dream! I GOT AWAY! I started hyperventilating but trying to calm down at the same time. I knew if they heard I'd be in big trouble... I began to sob because I could've sworn I got out of there! No... Is that... Oh god it's footsteps! My panicking became worse when they finally reached the door. Once they opened the door I prepared for the worst. But when they turned on the light I realized I wasn't where I thought I was... I looked down at my (F/c) shirt with (S/f/c) stripes and it was all torn and dirty. That must mean I actually did fall... My eyes had finally adjusted to the brightness of the room. The one who opened the door was still standing in the doorway. She had short brown hair and was wearing a shirt like mine only blue and purple (If those were your colors anyway then just ignore that last part.)... Woah... She has cute eyes...
"Oh! You're awake! H-here I made you some hot cocoa!" She said as she came closer. I instantly backed against the wall on instinct. Sure she's cute and probably the reason I'm not dead right now but... I don't know if I can trust her yet... "Oh! You don't have to be scared of me. I understand how you must feel... Alone and scared, I mean you just woke up in a strange place after falling so far away from the comfort of your home," Yeah comfort... "B-but I'm not gonna hurt you. Trust me! I wanna help you." I didn't reply. I simply readied myself for anything "My name's Frisk. What's yours?" she asked extending a hand. Frisk... That's a nice name...
"(Y-y/n)" You said taking her hand and shaking it. Her hand's so soft and comforting. I feel a slight heat coming to my cheeks as she smiles at me. She reached over and grabbed the tray she had brought in. I didn't even notice her putting it down... She held the tray out to me and I grabbed a cup and smiled back. We sat there in silence until we both were done with our hot cocoa. That was really good! The best I've had in a while.
"When you're ready, my mom has dinner in the kitchen." Frisk smiled as she got up with the tray.
"I- uh... Thanks for n-not leaving me where you found me..." That's all I could say?! I mentally screamed at myself.
"No problem (Y/n)! I wasn't just gonna leave you there." She smiled one last time before heading out the door. I sat there for a few minutes thinking of what I should do. Well I am kinda hungry but I'm also still a little tired...
Frisk's POV
I'm so glad to see her up and about. I was glad to bring a smile to those (e/c) eyes. I smiled mentally to myself as I headed down the hall to put these dishes in the sink. 'How sweet... Little Frisky is getting emotional because another human has joined her in the underground.' Shut up you... 'What no comeback today? New girl got you flustered?' Why won't you just leave me alone? 'Because you and I both know how everything is gonna end. It'll just be me and you, Frisk! Me and you...' I hadn't noticed I what I was holding...
Sup buds? So this took me a nice while. I enjoyed writing it though! Like I said in the description I did not pre plan this fanfiction like I did Danvid.........But also Dadvid. I hope that we can get to the end of this journey together! It's a whole new level of new for me to be writing an x Reader but like I said I had fun writing this so far. I hope you enjoyed reading! I also hope you all have a good night/day and good later!

Frisk x Reader
أدب الهواةThe year is 20XX. A human has fallen from the surface world! She was running from her abusive home when she made it to Mt. Ebott. However, when she looked behind her to see if she was followed, she forgot to stop running. Needless to say she tripped...