Please Don't Leave Me...

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Y/n= Your name

F/c= Favorite Color

S/f/c= Second Favorite Color

S/c= Shirt Colors

E/c= Eye Color

H/l= Hair Length

H/c= Hair Color

Y/n's POV

"Kiddo... *huff* We gotta...*huff puff* We gotta talk..." Sans looks really out of breath. What happened to him? "It's about your birth parents." My eyes widened at the sudden mention. He shifted uncomfortably at my reaction.

"What's going on Sans?" I asked.

"Kid, you gotta tell me what happened in your dream." My dream? "I pulled you out cause I got worried. But to do so I had to enter it myself. I know that what I saw wasn't a walk in the park but it was your dream. You must have had the worst end of the stick. I know it'll be difficult but... You have to tell me or I can't help you. Please, (Y/n)."

"I- I..." It was so terrible. What if I tell him and he ends up hating me? What if that flower was right? What if everyone really is gonna leave me? What if I can't save my friends from my parents? What if I can't save Frisk? What I-

"KID!" Sans pulled me out of my dilemma and into an embrace. I didn't notice till now but my arms were in pain and my eyes were wet. I was crying and clinging to my arms for dear life... "It's okay, (Y/n). Because I am here. (PLEASE TELL ME YOU KNOW MY REFERENCE!!!) I hate to force this but you have to tell me so I can get to the bottom of this. Like I said before, I was in your dream. I know that this is serious and not just a dream." He waited for my response. "If you won't tell me I'll have to read your mind. I was NOT lying when I said ANYONE who messes with you is gonna have a bad time."

"N-no Sans... You don't have to read my mind... Just... Just promise me you aren't gonna get up and leave me." I said with a wavering voice.

"I promise you I am not going anywhere." He let up on his grip and patted me on the head. I took in a deep breath and began my story. When I finished I looked at him desperately not wanting him to walk away. "I see..." was all he said before leaving the room. Is he leaving me? I knew I wouldn't be able to have this... Why do I deserve to have a good family? After all I did run from my birth parents. I couldn't take it anymore!

'What did I tell you? They are all gonna drop you once they find out that you mommy and daddy aren't gonna stop trying to get you back.' SHUT UP! I can't do this! The moments of happiness that I had being down here... I can't lose that! Not again... 'You're going to and there's nothing you can do about it!'


"(Y/n)?" I look up to see Frisk in the doorway holding a blanket and two mugs of hot chocolate. Sans was behind her and he looked like he was about to have a heart attack. H-he didn't leave me? "(Y/n) are you okay? Here sit back down. I brought you some hot cocoa! Maybe that'll help? I offered Sans some but he didn't want any as usual." As soon as she put the cups down I jumped up and hugged her as tight as I could. She was surprised but hugged back and then pulled away kissing my forehead. "I'm here for you." She smiled and grabbed the blanket wrapping us both in it. Sans saw that she couldn't grab the cups too so he walked in looking more calm. Frisk and I sat sipping our drinks while Sans sat on the edge of the bed sleeping. I can see the Z's? I'll never understand this place completely but I'll always love it here. I didn't tell Sans everything... I didn't tell him what Frisk said to me... "I don't wanna LOVE you..." As much as I had been fighting it... I began to feel darkness take over. I fell asleep right there on Frisk's shoulder. The last thing I heard was a contented sigh from the angel I fell asleep on before I let the darkness completely wash over me. Let's hope this nightmare ends soon...

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