A Date...?

333 6 2

Y/n= Your name

F/c= Favorite Color

S/f/c= Second Favorite Color

S/c= Shirt Colors

E/c= Eye Color

Y/n's POV

"Psst Hey kiddo!" Sans whispered. "Hows about ya take her out on a date? I know a place you'll both love!"

"But how would yo-"

"Trust me bud, I know." He grinned. We were back at the Skelebros' house and Frisk was in the kitchen trying to keep Papyrus from burning down the house. Every once in a while she'd look in on us and once she was satisfied with the situation she'd give me a warm smile, Sans a cold glare, and then duck back into the kitchen. The third time around Sans chuckled. "Hehe... She's definitely not gonna trust me for a while." Then he grew serious... "What did you want to tell Frisk?"

"Huh?" I asked... I'm confused...

"I mean on the way to Grillby's. It seemed like you were trying to say something important but then you stopped..." He scratched the back of his head. "You weren't tryna tell her how ya felt were ya? I didn't ruin that did I?" He started to think deeply. I patted him on the chest.

"Pat pat."

"Hehehe Kid, you remind me of someone special" He pointed towards the kitchen and as if on que, Frisk popped her head out following her previous routine. We both chuckled. "Waterfall."


"Waterfall. That's the place I was talking about before. You'll both love that place! Well, Frisk already does." I guess there's no saying no to Sans... I do want to take her out! I'll ask her next time she...

"What are you two talking about out here?" She asks coming out of the kitchen with her hands on her hips. She was staring at Sans with a blank face.

"Frisk... I- uh" I cleared my throat. "Would you like to go out on a date with me? T-to Waterfall?"

"How do you know about Waterfall? I haven't taken you there yet..." Her eyes widened and then sank. Was she planning to surprise me with that place?

"Ah geez there I go again! Imma just stay outa you're love loves from now on. Heheheh"

"What about a different place?" I gasped. "I know! The place where you found me!" She brightened up at the thought.

"That's a great idea!"

"Can I help out?" Sans tensed up and suddenly so did Frisk. What's going on?

"Yeah actually, I think it'd be a good idea to have you there." She said deep in thought. I didn't question it...

"WHAT'S THIS I HEAR ABOUT A D A T E?" Papyrus asked. He exaggerated a gasp. "Y/N! YOU WERE WEARING CLOTHES FOR FRISK?! YOU WISH TO D A T E HER?" I nodded. "THAT'S WONDERFUL NEWS!" Is he always blissfully unaware? I giggled at my thought. "HUMAN! I THE GREAT PAPYRUS SHALL HELP YOU ON YOUR JOURNEY TO DRESS FOR YOUR D A T E WITH THE OTHER HUMAN!" Oh boy... this should a little bit interesting...

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