💙Goggles x Rider💚

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All characters in this book are 18 and over

(Narrator's pov) It was evening time in Inkopolis Rider was at Goggles house Goggles was getting bored and thought of nothing to do this lasted for an hour until something came to Goggles mind

Goggles: Hey Rider.

Rider: Yes.

Goggles: Want to play a game?

Rider: Sure. What game do you have in mind?

Goggles: Tickle fight.

Rider's face immediately went pale.

Rider: T-tic-tickle fight?!

Goggles: What's the matter rider? Scared of being tickled to death?

Rider: H-huh no no I'm not scared I-I'm-

Goggles: Your what? Oh! I know a chicken!

Goggles started to make chicken noises until Rider confessed.

Rider: I'm very sensitive ok?

Goggles had an evil smirk on his face when he heard those words.

Goggles: *mind* Forget the fight. I want to tickle Rider so badly.

Goggles lunged at Rider and started to tickle him flawlessly.

Rider: Nohoho Goggles what are you hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha no plehease!

Goggles: Coochie coochie coo Ridey ;3.

Rider: No stop hahahaha I can't tahake it anymore hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha!

Goggles: *mind* I should give Rider a break but it's too cute I can't stop myself.

Goggles started to tickle Rider faster Rider tried to escape but Goggles wouldn't let him go no matter how much Rider begged Goggles wouldn't let go until 30 minutes later Goggles stopped.

Rider: What the heck Goggles!

Goggles: Sorry I guess I couldn't control myself!

Goggles decided to get up and go to the bathroom but rider grabbed his ankles causing him to trip and fall to floor. Then sat on him.

Goggles: Wha-what are you doing I said sorry!

Rider: Oh sorry isn't enough. Because we're gonna have a little fun Goggles. Hehe.

Rider started to wiggle his fingers and slowly go toward Goggles feet telling Goggles he's screwed Goggles tried to escape but Rider wouldn't let him go soon in 2 minutes Rider started to tickle Goggles feet Goggles screamed with laughter squirming around Rider would never let him go.

Goggles:Hahahahaahahahahahahahahaha nohoho please Rider! Haha haha haha haha that tickles!!!

Rider: Good. Because we're gonna be here for a while. Tickle tickle little blueberry. Hahahaha.

The end peeps

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