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I made my way to my first class, ugh I hate Mondays.  Monday's are never appealing to anyone except one , my English teacher. 

I sat on my usual seat and started editing my assignment and I was focused until I heard the chair besides pulled.  I looked up to see those familiar eyes.  No. 

I was about to get up and move somewhere else when something struck my mind , moving would indicate I care about his presence which I apparently don't care about . So I let it. 

The rest of the week was relatively fast and it remained like usual , brad sitting next to me when he had a chance which is quite upsetting . It hurts more to be with someone you once used to love and not talk them . It's as upsetting as being away. 

I laid here on the couch with Netflix on TV when Peter walks in with Melissa.   

Melissa was quick to walk into the room leaving peter to join me . 

he clashed down on the sofa next to me , 

" so ?" he spoke 

" so " i replied looking at him . 

" how was your time at home ?" he asked 

" pretty okay " i simply replied shrugging off my shoulder 

" and brad ?" he asked , i glanced at him and spoke after a few minutes 

"pathetic as usual " i replied 

" oh " he simply replied and everything went silent 

" i know you don't want him around you but you still love him don't you and you try to get over that fact but you know you love him and no matter what you will love him " he spoke nonchalantly . I didn't reply and i don't know why . 

My phone dinged , i simply looked over seeing a message from unknown number 

" hi , can you just pass me the notes of today's english class " 

" yeah but who is it ?" i answered

" someone you know , now can you " the text said , i looked the number , very familiar . 

" no brad i won't " i replied 

" how do you know its brad ?" it said 

" because i've known this number for a very long time " i simply replied . 

" alright but its only for work please send me " it said 

" i'll send later " i simply replied and exited charts . 

i got the notification again and read the message again " i'm sorry for everything , love you " 


" come on you're getting ready " melissa barged out 

" why ?" i asked as i stood up 

" we're going to the party "she said and after constant battling between me and her for not going to the party , she made me say yes to the party . 

So here i am , at the party in the frat house , fortunately i haven't seen brad but i know he will show up . 

i was lost in my thoughts when someone just spilled their drink on me , 

" dammit " i spoke , the person who spilled on me apologised and left, i quickly rushed for the washroom finding it just as i was about to give up and go to the kitchen , the door was opened , thinking no one would be there i walked in , only to find it wasn't empty . 

" shit are you alright ?" i asked in concern as i saw the person sitting next to toilet . 

" yeah , a little better " his raspy voice replied 

" wait here " i spoke and quickly rushed to the kitchen filling a glass of water and returning to the bathroom finding him still sitting next to the seat . 

" here , let me help you " i spoke as i helped him drink water , his hands involuntarily locked around my waist , he half drank it and gave it back to me , i kept it on the sink . 

" your shirt " brad spoke 

" oh yeah i came because someone spilled their drink on me " i said . he nodded , he tries to get up so i decided to help him get up , after he is stood properly , he wets a towel leaving me surprised by his actions . He brings the wet towel to my chest . 

" its alright , i can do it " i replied but simply shushed me . his hands started wiping the stain of my shirt making my shirt wet from water , i still have no idea why i have the same effect of him on me which i had earlier but right now it feels a lot more intense , goosebumps take over my body as his hands rake over my arm but stops soon , he bites his lower lip and without knowing i take a long breath puffing my chest sightly , the corner of his lips turn up in a smirk . 

" enough " i spoke after clearing my throat but it did no benefit , my voice still came out as a whisper . He looked up into my eyes and at that moment everything is gone , every hate that i was trying to have ended and i was back to square one , loosing it and falling for him again . 

" you still have the same feeling for me " his voice rasped because i know we're feeling the same thing but what came out of my mouth was 

" no " but my voice betrayed , coming out more like a gasp . 

" see, luna " his raspy voice spoke again , i looked in his eyes again , shit ! fuck it . 

Before my mind could even tell me i was wrong , we were already kissing and right now i wasn't regretting though i should've but all i felt was desperation . Our position changed , my back hitting the sink with his body on my front . My hand pulled at his hair unintentionally making him moan , his hands got lost in my hair and the other hand lying on my lower back , my other starts to move from his chest to his neck , it wasn't my intention but i was already deepening the kiss but he didn't deny  . 

my mind was telling me its wrong and he's only taking advantage of me but my heart was too focused that i knew he isn't , we both need each other and we are fully aware of it . 

He picks me up and sits me on the sink , taking a better position to kiss , as his tongue fought for my entry,  i gave him what he needed , our tongues fighting with each other , deepening it and i already lost it , making a moan come from the back of my throat, making us run out of breath , i took in a sharp breath and Without realising i attacked his neck which didn't stay for long since his mouth attached my neck , he still knows my weakness, he attacks it over and over again making me cry out in pleasure . 

" holy fuck , man get a room " someone yelled off and shut off the door and left , making us detach 

That's when i was bought back to my senses , hell what did i do . We look at each other in surprise and i was feeling guilt because it was me who was taking advantage of him . 

I quickly got up from the sink and rushed out without even saying a sorry , what am i doing ? 


Sorry for another late update but thanks for reading .


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