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" you alright ?" he asked as i moved my head a little 

" yeah " i replied placing my palms on his either sides and getting up with my support . As soon as i was on my feet i held out my hand to offer him , he took it and with my help got up . 

" hey all lets get out of here , i'm bored of the game " lidia yelled , tilting her head towards me and winking at me , clearly indicating she's got the situation under control . 

" alrighty , lets get out " tristan spoke and we all nodded , agreeing with both of them . 

We with the same arrangements of passengers in the car , we got out of the school after discussing to next go to the london eye . 

By the time we made it to the london eye in silence , it was already 4 . After i parked the car we went for walk around london eye , ofcourse we couldn't go on ferris wheel because connor and I  have acrophobia and besides no tickets were available . We all went for sitting around the park near london eye which turned out to be hunger  making its way , leaving me and shawn to sit at the park while the rest gone for , drinks and food while brad excused himself to go click pictures, something he started doing after me indulging him in me photoshooting him while we were in relationship . 

" so you and brad are not together anymore ?" shawn asked trying to make a conversation 

" yeah , we aren't " i replied trying to not reallow the pain to swallow me from inside . 

" if you don't mind me asking , what led to you guys breakup ?" he asked sweetly , he indeed is sweet . 

" uh - well there were a lot of things , we started getting in a lot of fights until i decided to call it off " i lied still trying to figure out how to face it 

" everyone have fights luna , you can't break up just because of that " he frowned , putting his palms on the ground , leaning a little backward with the support of his hands . i looked at him and i knew he knew i was lying , he knows me too well . 

" as i told there are a lot of things shawn , clearly he wasn't happy with me , he didn't love me and that led from one thing to another and eventually it led to regular fights " i stopped 

" but how do you know he doesn't love you ?" he asked 

" i know it " i replied looking at brad who was clicking the picture , until he looked back at me and i quickly looked away 

" how do you even know that , you said he wasn't happy , how , did he ever tell you ?" he asked 

" of course , i still don't know if he ever meant but he admitted he wasn't in love with me " i looked down playing with the grass . 

" thats sad , you had some kind of relationship " he frowned 

" i thought too " i spoke silently , after a couple of minutes of silence i spoke again 

" i heard you and alisha broke up too ?" i in a way asked 

" well it is a complicated story " he laughed 

" tell me about it " i smile frowned 

" so alisha and  i had a nice relationship until she came up to me and said that she's got something to admit and i was like what , so she told me , she hooked up with someone in the party we went the night before and honestly at first i was angry and frustated but when she said that she hooked up with a girl i was relaxed but i still couldn't get her , so she explained me how she met her a few weeks ago at college and since then she had a connection with her like she never had before , the time she hooked she realized that it was something she never experienced before but she loved it and then she admitted that all her life was a lie since she said she never knew about her sexuality all this time . so cut short story , she never knew she was gay and of course we had to give up on our relationship , at first i was really sad and hurt but when i saw her happy and being so in love , i moved on , i mean you can never do anything when a person was never aware of their sexuality " he spoke as casually as possible 

" thats quit weird , i mean learning about your sexuality too late but then again there isn't a specific time to learn about your sexuality " i frowned 

" exactly " he agreed 

" wish my break up was that simple " i laughed ans as soon as shawn realized i was joking he gave in too . 

" well we have got the lunches gossip buddies " lidia exclaimed as everyone came back excluding brad , who was still taking pictures 

" brad , come back " ldia yelled and after one shot he came back and sat next to me , at first i was uncomfortable but i didn't make it obvious and got used to it . 

After getting out there , they all agreed to meet back at the party at tris's friend . I soon dropped off shawn first and headed off to drop brad since he lived closer to my place . 

" nice to hang out with your ex again ?" brad asked all of a sudden and i furrowed my eyebrows clearly not understanding his approach . 

" i meant shawn " he spoke again as he saw my expressions , my face smoothed at the thought , it wasn't him who he was talking about . 

" at least he was nice " i snapped silently looking forward at the road . 

" so you're trying to say i was never nice to you , between us " he spoke and i looked at him for a very short second before looking back at the road . 

" it was never about us , it was always about the fuck ups , the fights , my ex's , my crushes and apparently there was only you in that relationship " i snapped 

" let me drive brad " i added trying to calm myself and to my surprise he didn't say anything the entire time and even when i dropped him off , he said  thanks and left without me uttering  a word . 


Finally brad and Luna have talked but it was more like an argument. 
I figured that I'm taking the story quite slow ( not publishing ) so now the story will be more happening. 

And since I'm very expressive on Wattpad , so i just wanted to say that I need a sick ass break from writing . I really haven't stopped since the time I first published and now that I'm publishing 3 books at a time , it takes all of my nerves and I'm too stressed trust me but I'm not discontinuing anything but as soon as I complete all 3 I'll take . I need it actually. 

All the love - R.r.

We Can't Be Just Best Friends (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now