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"To the glistening eaten sea, I give you Queen Lucy, the Valiant"
"To the great Western wood, I give you King Edmund, the Just."
"To the radiant southern sun, I give you Queen Susan, the Gentle."
"And to the clear northern sky, I give you King Peter, the Magnificent."
"Once a King or Queen of Narnia, Always a King or Queen. May your wisdom grace us til the stars rain down from the heavens."
"Long live King Peter!"
"Long live King Edmund!"
"Long live Queen Susan!"
"Long live Queen Lucy!"


Edmund Pevensie stood on the balcony of the throne room, looking over at the horizon and the slowly setting sun.
He sighed slightly.
You have a traitor in your midst Aslan
Edmund shivered, cringing as the memory passed unwelcome through his mind.
He sighed again as he took the silver crown from his head. He stood there, staring at it.
Whilst he did, he couldn't help but wonder if he actually deserved it. Hadn't he betrayed his family, Narnia and Aslan to the White Witch? Sure, his siblings had forgiven him, and so had Aslan. But as for the Narnians? He wasn't so sure. Yesterday, he had been walking through the halls of Cair Paravel, trying to find Peter, when he heard a bunch of fauns whispering amongst themselves. They kept looking at him, casting him angry glances before continuing to whisper to one another. He hadn't heard all of what they had said, but he heard bits. Words. Words like traitor. He'd put his head down and carried on walking, pretending he hadn't heard them. But if anyone had seen his face they would of seen the tears welling up in his eyes.
Edmund stood staring at his crown until Peter walked up behind him, frowning slightly.
"You know, that's supposed to go on your head right?" He said, standing beside his brother.
Edmund nodded. "Hmm." He replied, not looking at Peter.
Peter frowned more when Edmund continued to stare at the Crown, not putting it on his head, as Peter had said.
"Edmund, are you alright?" Peter asked after a moment.
"What?" Edmund asked, looking up at Peter.
"Are you alright?" Peter repeated.
Edmund hesitantly nodded. "Yeah." He said. "Just- tired, is all." Edmund wasn't ready to tell Peter what was bothering him, not now, maybe not ever.
Peter nodded. "It's been a long day." He said as he leant against the railings of the balcony.
Edmund smiled. "You said it." He said, sighing slightly.
"Are you absolutely sure that you're alright Ed?" Peter said after a few moments of silence, the only noise coming from the celebrations inside.
"I'm fine Peter." Edmund said. He was sorta getting used to Peter asking this question every five minutes.
Since Beruna Peter hadn't let Edmund out of his sight for more than five minutes. Edmund knew that he was scared, the events of Beruna had completely shaken him to the core.
Peter nodded slowly, still not looking completely satisfied but leaving it at that.
"So." He said. "Are you gonna come back inside?"
Edmund shrugged. "I suppose." He said quietly.
Peter smiled slightly. "Come on then." He said.
Edmund smiled as he turned around, only to have his little sister run into his arms, squeezing him tightly.
Edmund flinched slightly, before pulling himself together and hugging Lucy back.
Peter bit his lip, having seen Edmund flinch and knew exactly why.
"Lucy." He said, placing a hand on her shoulder.
Lucy pulled away from Edmund and looked up at Peter. "Yeah?"
Peter sighed, looking at Edmund. "Just, be careful." He told Lucy.
Lucy frowned. "What?" She said.
Peter bit his lip. "I think you hurt Ed." He said.
"It's fine Peter." Edmund said quickly.
"How?" Lucy asked, not listening to Edmund.
Peter sighed. "His scar." He said.
Edmund shifted uncomfortably as Lucy turned to him. "I'm sorry." She said.
Edmund shook his head. "It's fine Lu." He said.
Lucy nodded but still had an apologetic look on her face as Edmund pulled her into another hug.
Lucy gladly returned it, not squeezing as tight this time.
"Lucy?!" Susan called as she walked into the balcony. At catching sight of her little sister she smiled. "There you are." She said. "What are you all doing out here?" She asked.
"We were just coming back in actually." Peter told her.
Susan nodded. "Beautiful sunset, isn't it?" She said, glancing past her siblings and to the horizon.
Edmund nodded. "It is, isn't it." He said, turning around, Lucy still gripping onto him tightly.
Peter smiled as he wrapped an arm around Edmund's shoulders. Susan joined them, placing a hand on Lucy's back as she sighed warmly.
"I can't believe it." Lucy whispered after while.
"Can't believe what?" Edmund asked.
"That we're Kings and Queens." Lucy told him.
Peter nodded. "It is rather unbelievable." He said.
Susan laughed. "Never in a million years would I of even dreamt of becoming a Queen."
Peter laughed too.
Edmund smiled at his siblings, resting his head on Peter's shoulder and holding Lucy tightly.
Even though he was smiling he still felt, uncomfortable?
He sighed, causing Lucy to look up at him. "What?" She asked.
"Nothing." Edmund said quickly.
Lucy smiled and nodded before looking back out over the horizon.
The four Kings and Queens stood there. Looking over their land with matching smiles on each of their faces.
"This is really home, isn't it?" Susan smiled.
Lucy giggled. "Of course it's home." She said.
Peter nodded. "Home." He whispered, kissing the top of Edmund's head.
Edmund looked up at him and smiled. "Home." He said.

First chapter! Hope you like it! Btw, this is a prequel to my fanfiction "Cursed"

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