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Edmund stared at the hag. His vision was blury, his head was pounding and he could taste blood.
He took a deep breath as he was pushed back against the wall, the hag smiling.
"Have you learnt your lesson now?" She asked in a sickly sweet tone.
Edmund said nothing, partly because he couldn't. He couldn't concentrate properly, the pain was too much.
"We'll be back again tonight." The wolf laughed.
Edmund's eyes went wide. "Y-You - you said-" He tried to say.
"I said we'll be back this evening." The wolf growled. "And these claws will come in very useful."
"A-ag-again?" Edmund choked.
The wolf smirked. "Again." He whispered.
Edmund's head was pounding, he couldn't stay awake any longer.
The wolf and the hag watched as he slowly closed his eyes before passing out.
the wolf smirked. "That'll teach him." He said.
the hag nodded. "Shall we prepare for tonight?" She asked.
"Definitely." The wolf said firmly.
The hag laughed slightly before leaving the cell, the wolf following closely behind.


"See, I knew you could do it." Susan said as she pulled Lucy out of the river.
Lucy laughed as she shivered, clinging to her sister.
"Now." Susan said, trying her best to dry her hair. "I think it's this way?" She said, pointing in front of her.
Lucy frowned. "I think so." She replied with a shrug.
"Well there's only one way to find out I suppose." Susan muttered as she started walking.
"I'm pretty sure it is the right way." Lucy said, trying to sound as positive as possible.
"Me too." Susan said, she reached into her bag and handed Lucy some bread and cheese. "Eat this." She told her. "You must be hungry."
Lucy smiled thankfully at her as they both started eating and walking.
"How long til we get there?" She asked.
Susan sighed. "Not for a while." She muttered.


- Evening -

Peter took a deep breath as he stood looking up at the witches castle. It hadn't exactly changed much since the last time he saw it, and he was rather surprised that it hadn't started melting yet.
He took another deep breath, not exactly wanting to go in.
But he shook his head. Edmund was in there, he had no choice.
As he began walking twords the entrance he spotted a lone minotaur, standing guard at the doors.
He swore to himself as he hid behind a bush, out a view.
What was he supposed to do now? If there was someone guarding the courtyard, what would it be like inside?
He sighed.
Peter smiled as he sighed in relief "Aslan." He said.
Peter, go in.
Peter frowned. "But, I'll get caught. There's a minotaur standing guard outside."
Peter, the guards won't see you.
"They won't see me?" Peter asked in confusion.
They will not see you, so you'll be able to get to your brother.
Peter couldn't help but smile. "Thank you Aslan"
You're welcome Peter. But don't forget, only the guards cannot see you. Everyone else - the hag, the wolf, Edmund - they can.
Peter took a deep breath before nodding. "What happens if they catch me?" He said. "The wolf and the hag I mean."
Peter waited, but there was no answer. He sighed before slowly standing.
His heart pounded in his chest as he walked straight up to the minotaur. He was extremely relieved when it paid no attention to him whatsoever.
He bit his lip as he slipped past it and into the courtyard.
Staring across it he spotted two other minotaurs guarding the actual castle. He quickly ran past them, holding his breath in hope.
Once inside the castle, he ran up the huge staircase, very nearly slipping on the ice. He took a deep breath as he passed the guard at the entrance to the throne room before standing still. Now what way? He walked all the way to the end, and to the throne before glancing to his left. There was a passage leading to - the dungeons? Peter sighed, there was only one way to find out. He ran down the corridor for what felt like forever, until to his relief he saw two huge iron doors at the end of the corridor. He went to walk over to them, knowing without being told that it was the dungeons, when he stopped dead.
He heard screaming. His eyes went wide as tears instantly filled them. He quickly hid behind a wall, out of view of anyone coming in or out of the dungeons.
He took a deep breath as he listened to the screaming, as he listened to Edmund's screaming.
He squeezed his eyes shut, wishing that he could go in there and stop them. But if he did, he'd get caught and all hopes of rescuing Edmund would be gone.
Instead he just covered his ears, trying his hardest to block out his brothers screams. It worked slightly, but he could still hear him.
After what felt like forever everything went silent. Peter removed his hands and listened. His heart broke as he heard the sound of someone crying, and knew it was his brother.
He peaked around the corner when he heard the iron doors open. He watched carefully as the hag and the wolf came out, laughing.
Peter was furious, but he told himself that he couldn't lose his temper.
He waited until the hag and the wolf had disappeared before running down the corridor and grabbing the keys from the hook that they hung on. As quickly as he could he unlocked the doors, trying not to panick, which wasn't going very well. He pushed the doors open and rushed into the room.
His eyes went wide though when he saw Edmund. He was leant against the wall, eyes half closed and a look of pain etched onto his face. He had claw marks going up his arms and whip lashes across his chest.
Edmund's head snapped up the second Peter entered, a look of fear on his face. But when he saw Peter he sighed, smiling weakly at him.


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