"Try not to wander off"

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Peter sat on his bed, trembling with fear, fear for Edmund's life.
He wanted to go and find him, he'd begged Susan to let him go. But Susan, being the logical one in the family, had said that there was absolutely no point looking if they didn't know where he was, or where he was heading. Susan had said that they needed to stay calm and at least try and find out where he'd gone. Peter had given in eventually and had been sat up in his room ever since. He didn't even go down for lunch.
Peter sighed, laying down on the bed. Why would Edmund even do this? Why would he just run away? He bit his lip. Maybe it had just gotten too much for him. Peter nodded, ever since he was rescued from the witch he'd been acting rather, scared? He'd jump at the slightest noise, or if someone walked up behind him and he wasn't aware of it, he'd nearly scream. It was also obvious that he was feeling extremely guilty. And ashamed, and... hated.
Peter swallowed thickly, that's why he'd ran away. He feels hated, by everyone! But, surely not him, right?
Peter sighed again. Why was he doubting his own brother? He ran a hand through his hair as he sat up again. It was only then that he noticed Edmund's crown, placed neatly on his bedside table.
He walked over and carefully picked it up, before sitting this time on Edmund's bed.
He held the Crown tightly in his hands, eyes filling with tears that he knew would fall at any second.
It broke his heart that Edmund didn't think he deserved it. Probably one of the reasons why he'd ran away.
Peter took a deep breath, clutching the crown to his chest as the tears finaly made their way down his cheeks.
He couldn't do this. He couldn't just sit here and doing nothing whilst the witches followers were hunting down his brother to kill him. He had to go and find him. But, there's no way he'd be able to leave the castle without at least one of his sisters spotting him.
Tonight. He nodded. He'd do it tonight. Whilst everyone was asleep. Just like Edmund had done.
He sighed. How an earth hadn't he been woken up when Edmund left? Wasn't he the lightest sleeper out of all four of them? He bit his lip, maybe if he had just woken up, like he usually would of, then Edmund might be safe, at home with him, Susan and Lucy.
He shook his head, now wasn't the time to think of what could of happend. He had to plan. He'd obviously take his sword. Some food and some water. And he'd save some of it for when he found Edmund, just incase.
When. He told himself silently. He would find Edmund, and he would find him alive. Before the wolf and the hag did.
He stood from the bed, grabbing a bag before sneaking off down to the kitchens.


Edmund slowly awoke. He squinted in the sun, not knowing what time of day it was or where he was. He sighed, he hadn't exactly planned on falling asleep. But he had been up all night and half of the day, so he had an excuse.
He flinched as he realised he was sat against a tree, and a very uncomfortable tree at that.

"Is our little prince very comfortable?"
"Special treatment for the special boy, isn't that what you wanted?"

Edmund cringed as he quickly moved away from the tree, wishing for the memory to go away. But it didn't, it stayed at the front of his mind as he sat there.
He remembered arriving at Jadis' camp.
Jadis had untied his hands (to his extreme relief) and dragged him over to the nearest tree she could see. She'd threw him to the floor and had proceeded in tighing him to it. So tightly that he had a hard time breathing properly. And so tightly that the bark of the tree dug into his back.
Then she'd gagged him, pulling it so tight he immediately felt the corners of his mouth split.
He'd let out a small sob at this point, causing Jadis to laugh at him before walking away, only to return half an hour later.
Edmund squeezed his eyes tightly shut. He licked the corners of his mouth, still being able to feel the tiny scabs that were somehow still there.
He bit his lip before standing, maybe if he started walking, he'd soon forget about it.
As he walked he couldn't help but think of his siblings. He missed them already, and he'd only been gone a day.
At least this time he knew they were safe. Unlike last time, when he was with Jadis, not knowing where his siblings were and if they were all alive.
Edmund kicked a stone as he walked, sighing to himself. He looked around him, only to be met with miles of woods, and he was sure it carried on for further than he could see, alot further. 
He nodded, the further away he got from Cair Paravel the better.

"Try not to wander off"

Edmund stopped dead in his tracks, staring into space. At the time, it had just been a little joke to lighten the mood. But now? Now it was so much more. He had wandered off. Hadn't he? He took a deep breath as he continued walking, he wouldn't turn back now. Everyone was probably glad that he was gone anyway.
He kicked more stones as he continued on his journey, feeling rather bored. Edmund snorted, if anything, he'd die of boredom before anything else.
What! Before anything else?! Edmund shook his head. He wasn't going do die. He could fend for himself, find food and water.
He wasn't quite sure about the whole, defending himself part though. He wasn't exactly the most skilled swordsman in Narnia, he'd only had two weeks practice, and even then that hadn't been every day.
He took a deep breath. He could defend himself, he would.
He nodded confidently, although he didn't feel very confident, before continuing to walk.


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