I know where

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"Right. You pack food and water Lucy, I'll go and see if Orious and that have returned and Peter, you try and figure out where they've taken Edmund." Susan said.
Peter sighed as he walked up to his room. He hadn't wanted to return to Cair Paravel, but Susan had practically forced him back. Saying they had no food or drink.
He sat down on the edge of his bed, tears filling his eyes. Edmund was in danger and he couldn't do anything about it. He might be able to though if he knew where he was.
He squeezed his eyes shut tightly, thinking about when they'd taken Edmund. 
"But as long as we have the boy, you three will be fine."
Peter took a deep breath, keeping his eyes closed.
"...Well, if you count fine as being locked in an ice dungeon and listening to your brother scream, then yeah, fine."
Peter's eyes shot open as he gasped. Ice dungeon! Jadis' castle! That's where Edmund was!
How hadn't he guessed that sooner?!
He could've laughed at how stupid the wolf had been, he'd literally told him where to find Edmund.
He jumped off the bed and ran to the kitchens. He grabbed some food and water and put them in his bag. He then ran back up to his room where he grabbed his sword.
He sighed, knowing that Susan and Lucy would go mad when they find out that he was gone.
But he couldn't lose them too. One was too much.
He thought that he should at least leave them a note telling them where Edmund was. So then if he got kidnapped too, Susan and Lucy would know where they're were.
He grabbed a pencil and a peice of paper and quickly began scribbling.

I know where they've taken Edmund. He's at the white witches castle. I don't know how I didn't guess it before.

He bit his lip, deciding he'd leave out the part of him going off to find him. They'd probably figure it out sooner or later anyway.
He placed the note on his bedside table before leaving  his room and creeping through the castle. He dashed out the side door, through the gardens and into the woods. He continued running for a while until he had to stop to catch his breath. 
How an earth was he supposed to remember the way? He sighed, he might be able to, if he thought about it really hard.
And the other question was, how was he supposed to get passed the river.
He sighed as he began walking, hoping that he was going the right way.


Edmund's head snapped up when he heard the cell doors being opend.
His heart pounded in his chest as he watched the wolf and the hag walk in to the cell, both smirking at him.
His eyes widened when he saw the hag was holding a whip in her hand, her hand wrapped tightly around the handle.
Edmund shut his eyes. Okay, it wasn't as bad as he thought. Jadis had done this to him. He could handle it.
His eyes opend again to see the wolf and the hag stood in front of him, smiling evily.
"Told you we'd be back soon." The wolf said.
Edmund took a deep breath as he watched the hag tighten her grip on the whip, staring at it before looking back to Edmund.
Edmund felt the tears threatening to fall but told himself that he wouldn't cry, no matter how scared he felt or how much pain he was in.
"Why don't you just kill me now?" He choked.
The wolf laughed. "If we killed you now." He said. "Then we wouldn't get any fun."
Edmund sighed, heart beating so fast he was sure it was going to explode.
The wolf walked up to him and ripped of his shirt with his teeth, causing Edmund to flinch and grab his arm.
The hag smirked. "You seem to be having a lot of trouble with that arm." She said. "What have you done?"
Edmund stared at her. "I - I dislocated it." He said quietly.
The wolf laughed. "How?"
"I killed the wolf." Edmund said, a small smirk making its way onto his face.
"What!" The wolf growled. "Now I know why he never brought you to us."
The hag glared at Edmund, who couldn't help the smile that was on his face.
The hag shook her head. "I'm about to wipe that smirk straight off your face." She spat.
Edmund's smirk dissappeard as the hag walked up to him and grabbed his arm, twisting it the wrong way.
Edmund screamed out in pain as he immediately felt it dislocate again.
He gasped as the hag stepped away, laughing slightly.
Edmund tried to catch his breath as he gripped his now dislocated arm tightly.
The wolf smirked at the hag, nodding his head impressively at her.
The hag smirked back, nodding too before turning back to Edmund, who's eyes had filled to the brim with tears.
"Are you not going to cry?"
Edmund looked up at her, gasping once more before saying: "It's going to take a lot more than that to make me cry."
The hag cast the wolf a glance before smiling. "Have it your way." She said before she brought the whip down on Edmund's chest.
He gasped loudly as he fell onto his back, trying not to scream. But when the hag hit him with the whip again he couldn't help it. He screamed, causing the hag to laugh as the wolf watched with a smirk.
Edmund had no idea how long this went on for, but it was way too long.
By the end he could hardly keep his eyes open and his head was pounding, throat sore from screaming and back and chest stinging.
"We'll be back again this evening." The wolf said. "That gives you the afternoon to recover."
Edmund gasped slightly as he watched them leave, wishing for the pain to end.
He gripped his arm, trying his best not to move it, which had been completely impossible a few minutes ago.
He sighed, feeling his eyes closing before everything went black.


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